He grinned like he’d just been granted his greatest wish. "You do?"
Had she spoken out loud? It didn't matter. "Yes, I do." She beamed. "Of could I do. I do, I do, I do!"
He spun her around, and she laughed in delight. “You still have a lot to make up for.” She pointed, softening the words with a smile. "I expect to hear all about your life. The truth, this time, with nothing held back."
"I will never keep a secret from you again,” he promised. Yet the slightest bit of uncertainty lit his gaze as he slanted it back to the doorway, where the cadence of conversation had reached fever pitch. “It's great you feel that way, since we're about to get married."
Her smile widened, and her imagination soared. "It may seem outrageous, but I wish we were getting married for real," she admitted.
"Your wish is my command."
Kaitlyn froze. He didn’t mean… he couldn’t mean… "But the officiant is an actor."
Cameron shook his head.
She gasped. "You mean…"
He nodded.
What had he done?"You were going to marry me without my consent?"
Cameron laughed. "I'm not that deceitful. It's not legal unless we file the official documents, and I wasn’t going to do that until I told you, which I had been planning to do right after Cynthia left. But just in case, the officiant is certified to perform wedding ceremonies.” His expression turned serious. "Before we get married, I have something to ask you."
He bent down on one knee.
She gasped as he removed a tiny velvet box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a stunning ring that shimmered like a star. Set in gleaming platinum, it featured a round diamond of at least three carats, surrounded by a halo of tiny stones. In its depths, a thousand fiery rainbows reflected.
"Kaitlyn, I love you more than I ever thought possible. You captured me the moment we met, entrancing me with your spirit, kindness and inner beauty. We’ve been together days, yet it feels like a lifetime, and I want a lifetime more – and beyond. This is me, Cameron Drake, and I am asking the most important question of my life. Will you be my wife?”
A wave of joy brought watery happiness to her eyes. She grasped Cameron’s hands and lifted him up. "Yes," she whispered.
Drake placed the ring on her finger, where it fit perfectly. Then her gorgeous actor… employee… lawyer… boyfriend… fiancé…true loveheld out his arm. "My dear, are you ready to get married?"
Kaitlyn smiled pure joy as he captured her in his embrace. Then together they journeyed down the aisle and said their vows in what was no performance.
And from that moment on, they never stopped smiling.
Epilogue - Reveals
“Mom, there’s something I need to tell you about my husband.”
“He’s not really your assistant.”
Kaitlyn froze, and her next words caught in her throat. After a rather unfortunate impression of a fish, she choked out, “You knew?”
Her mother shrugged. “Of course.”
“But… but how?”
“I’m your mother, aren’t I?” Her mother winked. “Moms are pretty perceptive when it comes to their daughters.”
That made sense, but still… “There’s more. We haven’t known each other for a long time. We’ve actually only known each other for a few…”
Kaitlyn blinked. “I’m sorry?”