Of course, he would leave eventually no matter what happened. He was only here temporarily and would soon play another part. Why did the thought seem so very painful, almost unacceptable? Was there another way?

What would he do if she asked him to stay?

The door opened, and relief lightened her chest as the two men walked in without any signs of a disagreement, argument or sword fight. Instead, they were talking and laughing in friendly strides, far from the chilled reception of earlier. Kaitlyn strolled to Drake, sliding directly into his outstretched arms. "Everything okay, honey?"

He nodded. "Everything is great."

He seemed sincere, if a little distracted. Had something happened? She couldn't ask with her father standing there, grinning like he'd just caught the goose with the golden eggs. "Great then. Ready to get back to work?"

"Absolutely." Drake wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in warmth and comfort. Cynthia sniffed haughtily, then strode out of the room without another word. Kaitlyn's father followed with a warm smile.

Drake grimaced. "Not even attempting civility anymore, is she?"

She shook her head. "Not in the slightest. At least I managed to stave off the accusations, for now." She smiled, but her humor quickly faded. "What happened out there? I was worried he overheard you."

"If your father discovered the truth, I wouldn’t be able to blackmail you into dating me.” His smile was only slightly wicked. “You don’t think I’d let that happen, do you?"

She frowned, stepped back. "This is purely a business arrangement."

“Can you really claim that after everything that’s happened?”

Not even a little.She crossed her arms over her chest and somehow held her ground as he came nearer. Yet as he loomed ever-closer, her willpower fled, captured by the intensity of six feet plus of pure muscle. She would resist him. She was strong and powerful, and…oh, forget it.Shekissed him.

The world descended into a whirlwind of passion. She may have started it, but now she surrendered to the force that held her, the man who captured her. He was power defined, hardness and strength and pure temptation. His lips were pliant as he stole her breath, pulling her flush against him. Still, it wasn’t enough.

Yet the kiss ended as suddenly as it began, as he pulled back, leaving them both heaving gasps of air. Doubts and uncertainties swirled, brandished by pure rightness. Would she ever be able to resist him?

At least he seemed as disconcerted as her. Gripping her sanity, she breathed, "See, all in your imagination."

He laughed. "Sweetheart, do you actually believe that?”

Never. Yet would she admit it? Never.“Now are you going to work like a responsible employee, or should I write you up for insubordination?"

He flashed a crooked smile. "Anything you say, ma’am. I–" He froze, his grin fading as he stared at something behind her. Ever-so-slowly, she pivoted to…


Her cousin stood in the open doorway, flanked by her entire family, their expressions a thousand shades of confusion. With triumphant eyes and an evil sneer, Cynthia’s victorious expression was clear. What had she heard?

“You wouldn't believe how sound travels in these old homes, my dear," Cynthia sneered. “He’s blackmailing you into dating him?"

Kaitlyn closed her eyes, as the cold words stabbed her. Why had they spoken where others could hear them?

"That's preposterous." Drake's voice was loud, clear and powerful. "Obviously, I was joking."

"I don’t believe it." Cynthia stepped into the kitchen, her glossy pink pumps echoing on the gleaming tile floor. "I don’t think Drake is your boyfriend at all. In fact, I'm sure of it."

"If that's the case, then why are we eloping?"

The world stilled.

Every breath caught…

As Drake’s words echoed endlessly through the air.

Eloping? ELOPING?!!? "Come again?" Kaitlyn whispered.

Drake took her hand. "That's right. We were planning to elope, but now that you're here…" He shrugged. “We may as well make it a celebration.”