“Take my hand. Let’s jump together.”
She thinks about it for a long minute before her dimples pop deep in her cheeks as she nods her head.
“Is that a yes, Mads?” I ask, hope blooming in my chest. “I need to hear the words.”
“You’re crazy, Hudson. You know that, right?”
I shrug, and she runs her fingers through my hair. “I’m not sure I was planning on leaving anyway.”
“Thanks for fighting for me, baby.”
With her eyes open and fixed on me, she brushes her lips over mine and hums deep in her throat. “Never underestimate a woman in love, Hudson Kingston. I waited my whole life to feel this. To feel you. And I refuse to let anything tear us apart.”
“I’m not sure what I did to deserve you, sunshine.” My smile stretches clear across my face for the first time in what feels like a long damn time.
“It’s you, Hudson. You didn’t have to do anything but be you.” I hold her face in my hands and press my lips to her forehead. I kiss her nose and cheeks, her long lashes and soft dinples before taking her mouth in a kiss hot enough to scorch the sun.
My phone rings in my pocket, but I ignore it.
Not wanting to break this moment.
It stops, then immediately starts ringing again.
Maddie groans and shoves her hand in my pants to pull it out.
“A little to the left,” I tell her jokingly before she elbows me in the side.
“I’m getting your phone, Hud. It’s smaller and has less metal in it than your dick.”
I laugh. “Not exactly a solid burn, Mads.”
She hands me the phone, and we look at Hunter’s name flashing across the screen.
“Take the call, Hud.” She scoots off my lap and tucks her knees under herself while I run my finger across the screen and answer.
“Hey, Hunt. Did you get it?”
Maddie looks at me questioningly.
“Yeah, man. I got it. Are you sure about this?” I asked Hunter to get me Leona McGuire’s phone number and address. I need to see her. I need to talk to her. To let her rage and blame me, if that’s what she needs. I owe her that much.
* * *
Leona agreedto see me on Sunday morning.
Maddie wanted to come with me—hell, my entire family wanted to come with me. But this is something I need to do for myself. For Mason. Only now, as I’m sitting in front of their house, I’m not sure I can get out of the car, and I’m wishing I’d taken one of them up on their offer.
I grab my phone and hit Sawyer’s number on my speed dial while I take in the modest ranch-style house. The blue wooden siding and cracked sidewalks show the home’s age, but it’s been well-kept. Frozen flower beds line either side of the front door. White twinkling Christmas lights hang from the roof. And a big picture window, covered by sheer white curtains, looks out over the street I’m parked on.
Sawyer answers after two rings. “Hey, man. You there already?”
“Yeah. Got here a few minutes ago. What are you doing?” I take a deep breath and watch the drizzle of icy rain bounce against my windshield.
“Well, it’s ten o’clock on a Sunday morning. I worked until three a.m. So I’m still in bed, asshole.” His words are sarcastic, but there’s no heat in his voice.
“Sorry.” The white curtains shift, and I realize my time is running out. “Tell me I need to do this. That I’m not being a selfish prick. That I’m giving her closure as much as I’m trying to get some for myself.”
“You’re not a selfish dick, Hudson. Tell her what you need to say and be prepared to take anything she throws your way without defending yourself at all. Give her the chance to hate you. And know we’re all here in your corner.”