Her hands run up and down my back as her legs twine around my waist.
“I love you,” she whispers.
“You own my heart, sunshine.”
Friday morning, I leave Maddie sleeping in my bed and go for a run around the lake to clear my head. The cold air of November has turned frigid as we come closer to mid-December. But it feels good to be outside. The houses along the lake are just waking up as I lap around the frozen falls, pushing my muscles until they burn. I’m alone with my thoughts, trying to reconcile what everyone has been saying with what I know deep in my gut.
Mason McGuire is dead because he stepped into that ring with me.
Did he have a preexisting condition he was unaware of?
But did I strike the blow that ended his life and took him away from his wife and child?
I did.
Can I ever step foot in that cage again, knowing that?
I’m not sure.
My thoughts are plagued with doubt during the entire five miles around the lake. It’s only after I’ve stretched and walk back into my kitchen that my mind clears and calms.
My two favorite women sit at my kitchen table.
Not that I’d ever tell my sisters that.
Imogen and Maddie are sharing a plate of scrambled eggs when they both look up.
“I guess we need a grocery delivery if you’ve got to share breakfast, ladies.” I drop a kiss on Maddie’s head and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. “Hey, Gen. What’s up?”
“What’s up?” she repeats and chokes back her laugh.
“I’m just going to leave you two to talk.” Maddie stands and runs her hand over my arm, and that simple touch soothes me. “There’s an omelet on the stove for you.” She presses her lips quickly to mine, and Imogen makes a gagging noise before Maddie leaves the room.
“Get your omelet and sit, Kingston. I’m done tiptoeing around.” She scoops eggs onto her toast, folds it in half, and eats it like a sandwich, which is something she’s done for years.
I grab my breakfast and smile at the thought of Maddie making it for me, even though it’s not a pretty omelet. Once I’m seated across from Imogen, I take a bite of my lukewarm eggs, knowing her eyes are on me.
“Is Maddie being here a good sign?” she questions.
“A good sign of what?” I know I’m being thickheaded, but I’m not exactly sure what she’s asking.
She rolls her eyes and brings a napkin to her mouth. “Well, let’s see. A good sign that you’re talking. A good sign that you haven’t cuteveryonein your lifeoutof your life. A good sign that you haven’t completely given up on living your life because of what happened.” She balls the napkin in her hands and throws it at my face. “I’ve been fucking worried about you, you jerk. And you’ve been ignoring my calls. You’re ignoring Cade’s calls. Scarlet says you’re ignoring everyone. So, I’m thinking Maddie is our only hope to get you through this.”
“Don’t you dareImogenme. I’ve been your best friend for ten years. And you shut me out,” she yells.
“I’ve shut everyone out,” I counter, only I’m much calmer. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Gen. I’m not you. I don’t need to talk about everything right away. I need to process it before I can talk. I’m trying. But I’m working on it.”
“Since when?” she pushes.
I consider my answer carefully. “Since last night.”
“Why? What happened last night?”