Scarlet overhears our conversation and joins us. “You’re right, Maddie. He needs to leave now. Why don’t you two take him back to your house, and Jace...” She grabs the back of his hoodie and drags him toward us. “You need to go get a bag from Hudson’s place and take it to Maddie’s.” She shoves him away. “Go now. Maddie will text you the address.”
He looks between his sister and me, then nods and walks out the door.
“Hand me your phone.” Scarlet holds her hand out, waiting, and I do as I’m told. Her fingers run over the screen before she hands it back to me. “Jace’s contact is in there. Text him your address.”
I stare at my phone before lifting my eyes to hers with a newfound respect. She’s not as scary as I used to think, now that I see her in this light. She’s in protection mode, the way Brandon always is, and I get it in a different way than I ever have before.
I wrap my fingers around my phone, but she holds tight. “Can you handle this, Madison?”
I grab the phone from her fingers and meet her eyes. “Watch me,” I tell her before looking at Hudson, who’s sitting there, looking broken.
A slow smile spreads across her face. “Nothing like baptism by fire. Welcome to the family.” She turns away from me and kisses her husband, then turns to Hud’s agent. “Hunter, let’s go downstairs to my office. We’re going to need a game plan.”
Sawyer hugs his sister. “Call me when you’ve got a plan.”
He moves to where Hudson’s sitting, but Hud doesn’t look up until I join them and take his hands in mine. “Come on, King. Let’s go home.”
This man doesn’t say a word to me or anyone else. He just stands and lets me take his hand as we follow Sawyer out of the stadium and into his sleek sports car.
I text my brother and let him know what’s happening and to expect some Kingstons to be at the house when he gets home, hoping not to catch him too off guard. Then I tuck myself in next to Hudson for the drive. He still hasn’t said anything, but he wraps his arm around me and holds onto me like a lifeline.
That changes when we get to the house.
The three of us walk in, but Hudson heads right out into the backyard. When I move to follow him, Sawyer grabs my shoulder, and I manage not to knee him in the nuts. “Give him some space, Maddie.”
I peel his finger from my shoulder and look him straight in the eyes. “Don’t ever assume a woman is okay with being touched, Sawyer. You don’t know me. So I’ll give you that this time. But don’t tell me what to do either.”
“Damn,” he whistles. “I thought you were the quiet one.”
“Being quiet and choosing not to say anything are two completely different things. I like you. You seem like a good guy, and anyone with eyes can see how tightly knit your family is, but you’re not stopping me from going out there.” I take a step toward the sliding-glass doors before Sawyer calls out my name.
“Maddie... Don’t let him freeze you out. Hudson’s good at shutting down.”
It won’t be the first time I’ve had to fight for something I’ve wanted in my life.
When I step outside, Hudson has the phone to his ear, and he’s yelling at Hunter.
“I want her goddamned number, Hunt. He has a pregnant wife. I want to talk to her.” He looks over at me, then gives me his back as he listens to whatever Hunter says. “I don’t care. Get me her number and get me her address. They’re local.” He ends the call and shoves his phone in his pocket.
“Hudson...” I approach slowly, like I would a wounded animal. “Can I get you anything?”
He shakes his head no but won’t look at me.
I slip his peacoat off my shoulders and hand it to him. “If you’re going to stay out here in the snow, will you put this on for me?” I tack on aplease, then stand there and wait until he slips his arms through it and walks away.
* * *
Sawyerand I are sitting at the kitchen counter, having tea, when someone knocks on the door. Then Jace lets himself inside my home.
My jaw hits the floor. “You know, when you knock, it’s customary to wait until someone opens the door before you just walk into a house, right?”
The giant hockey player grins. “Family doesn’t knock.” He holds up Hudson’s bag. “Where should I put this?”
“My door’s open at the top of the stairs,” I tell him before Sawyer walks into the room, and Cinder decides to wind herself through his legs before moving on to Jace and swishing her tail at him while she purrs.
Yeah, girl, I know. These men are blessed with some incredible genes.
“Don’t trust him in your room, Maddie. He might steal your underwear.” Sawyer takes the bag from Jace and punches him in the arm before he walks up the stairs.