Page 73 of Caged

“Knock it off, Saint. The fight is over. And theno womenrule will never work again.”

Becks looks between me and Cade. “And why is that?”

It’s my turn to take a long pull of my beer, then look over at Maddie. She’s laughing at something Lenny has said and already has Amelia and Sam’s daughter, Caitlin, sitting in her lap.She’s my why. “Because she’s mine,” I tell the group.

Everyone starts talking all at once. Wallets are pulled out, and money is exchanged. Sawyer ends up with all of it in his hand as he thanks me.

“What the actual fuck?” I ask, having no clue what the hell just happened. But Cade’s scowl has just turned into a shit-eating grin.

“I thought you’d at least wait a week, shithead. You just lost me enough money to feed the fucking swear jar for six months,” Cade groans and shoves his wallet back in his pocket, then bends down to pick up Killian, who’s just wandered over with a toy football in his hands.

“Not me, brother.” Sawyer counts his money. “I knew you were done for.”

Jace shoves two crisp hundred-dollar bills in Sawyer’s palm. “I fucking knew it too, but I thought it would take him longer than this to figure it out. Fucking Philadelphia’s most eligible bachelor, and you just blew your load in one damn shot.”

I smack the back of his head. “Watch it, jackoff,” then mutter under my breath, “It was way more than once.”

Sam hands over his money, shaking his head. Sam never loses. “When did you think I’d get my head out of my ass?” I ask, knowing Sam knows fucking everything.

“I didn’t think you’d make it to the fight. I thought you’d figure it out last week.” He taps his crystal bourbon glass to my beer. “Amelia likes her.”

“I didn’t realize Amelia knew Maddie that well.” I look over at her again, and I swear to God, it’s like my chest hurts just looking at her.

Sam shrugs. “Maddie handles Sweet Temptations’ social-media accounts.”

After a few plays, Maddie stands and cheers when her brother tackles a guy so hard, he has to be carried off the field.

“Try not to piss this one off, Hud.” Scarlet moves in next to me. “I think she’s got a hidden mean streak.” She watches Maddie, who seems to be explaining football to my niece, who’s too young to walk or talk in complete sentences yet.

“There’s not a mean bone in her body, Scar. But she’s loyal to a fault and would go to war for her brother.” I throw my arm around my older sister. “Kinda like another woman I know.”

Scarlet levels me with an intimidating scowl. “Don’t fuck up my reputation, Hudson. I’m scary. It stops there. Period. Keep the mushy stuff to yourself.”

“Whatever you say, sis.” I turn back to the bar. “Want another drink?” I ask, eyeing the water bottle in her hand suspiciously. “No wine today, Scar? You feeling okay?”

Jace walks over to us and smirks. “She turned down the sushi earlier too.”

Becks spins around. “Again? Can’t we have a single year without crazy and emotional pregnant sisters?”

Scarlet pours the remnants of her water bottle over his head. “Nope.”

Becket’s eyes practically pop out of his head as he wipes the water from his face. “I was fucking kidding.”

“Are you really pregnant?” Sawyer stands between Scarlet and Becks, trying to limit the carnage. When her eyes water as she shakes her head, Cade wraps her in his arms and whispers in her ear while we all stand there, dumbstruck.

My sister is an ice queen.

Always has been.

But damn, she’s an emotional pregnant person.

Maddie crosses the room and slides in next to me to congratulate them. And I love that she’s here for this. I stare at her for a minute. At the way the sunlight is hitting her golden hair. At her beautiful smile. At those damn freckles I want to kiss, and the dimples in her cheeks that tell me she’s genuinely happy right now. Then it dawns on me. I don’t love that she’s here for this. I loveher.

The thought hits me like a sucker punch to the jaw.

Holy shit.

She really is it for me.