“Doesn’t matter. Just needed to be here, Mads.”
She weaves her legs through mine and presses her lips to my neck. “You say the sweetest things.” Her breathing evens out within seconds, and nothing else is said.
And as I drift off, I realize this is the most at peace I’ve been in years.
* * *
Beingthe reigning champion meant one thing when it came to contract negotiations for this fight. I was able to insist it be in Philly. I’ve won my title and defended it in Las Vegas, New York City, Atlantic City, and Seattle. It was time my city got some love. It was also convenient as hell.
We’re at the convention center for weigh-ins today and for the fight tomorrow.
Once they announce each of us and do the ceremonial weigh-ins—as if they didn’t just do the official ones thirty minutes ago backstage—we pose for pictures and some good-natured shit-talking. Then Maniac and I take seats at the long table with our coaches and prepare for questions from the press.
They throw out softballs.
What do you think of your opponent?
How was your camp?
When they ask what my plan for after the fight is, I laugh. No need for them to know I plan on spending twenty-four hours in bed worshipping Madison Dixon. Instead, I tell them, I’m going to Disney World.
We’re all laughing when a voice calls out from the back of the crowd. “When are you gonna fight a real fight, Kingston? You like callin’ yourselfKing. You like sittin’ in that ivory tower. But you ain’t earned shit, man.”
“Is that a challenge, Reynolds?” the announcer asks.
Cade stands so I won’t. “Get out of here, Reynolds, before I throw you out of here the way I threw you out of my gym.”
A resoundingohhhis heard bubbling through the crowd. And this asshole’s cheeks burn bright red. His face gives away every move he’s going to make before he moves. It always has. He’s never been a skilled fighter, just a lucky one.
And when he charges the stage and has to be held back by security, no one in the room is surprised.
“You gonna let that hot little piece of ass protect you again this time, King?” he sneers, and I see red.
I stand, and Cade’s hand presses down against my shoulder, reminding me not to throw away what I’ve been working toward. “Earn the fight, motherfucker. Earn the fucking fight, and I already told you, I’ll beat you anywhere. Anytime. Stop trying to get everyone to listen to your bullshit and earn the fucking fight,” I demand. But it’s too late. The guards are escorting him out while the questions get thrown at me all at once.
They’re all about Maddie.
Who is she?
Does she have a name?
Is she my girlfriend?
Did I steal her from Spider?
They get more ridiculous with each question, and I refuse to answer any of them.
Cade pushes me from the stage, telling the MC I’m done for the day.
I head to the warm-up room that’s already been set up for tomorrow’s event and dress while Cade yells into his phone at Imogen. “Control the damn story, Gen. This is bullshit. He’s trying to throw Hud off his game.”
My blood boils the longer I stand in this room and listen to Cade go into management mode.
“Fix it,” he tells her again, then pockets his phone. “Fuck, man. I fucking told you no women. You don’t need to be dealing with this shit right now. I need your head clear. I need you focused.” He puts both hands on my shoulders and stares at me, like that’s gonna zen me out or some shit.
News flash—it’s not.
“I swear to God, I’m gonna kill that fucker,” I growl, the words vibrating from my chest.