Maybe the fucking millennia.
Maddie and I didn’t talk about what happened earlier in the kitchen. I didn’t tell her that every protective instinct in my body was demanding that I wrap my arms around her and promise her no one would ever hurt her again. Because I have no doubt she was hurt, and when I find out by who, I will hunt them down and kill them myself.
Once I dangledHarry Potterin front of her, it only took her a moment to decide watching it in my room didn’t need to be any different than watching it downstairs.
She was wrong.
We both were.
She climbed into my bed, and we both sat there, leaning against the headboard with the blanket pulled up over us to watch the movie.
I may have needed to cover her bare legs because they were wreaking fucking havoc on my sanity. And that shit was already dangling by a very thin thread. Having her in my space... in my bed, where fantasies of her spread out beneath me played out in my mind like a home movie.Yeah. I needed to cover both of us up before she started to think I was a horny asshole.
Not that she’d be wrong about that.
I don’t know why this woman likes these damn movies, since she can’t stay awake till the end to save her life. And this one wasn’t even as good as the first one. It was a little over halfway through when her head rested on my shoulder. I waited until the end of the movie to move so we were both lying down. I probably should have woken her up so she could sleep in her own room, but I liked having her in my bed with me. I was a gentleman about it, though, and kept a few inches between us. Even if I didn’t want to. Even if every bone in my body was screaming for me not to.
Madison Dixon crawled under my skin years ago, and I’ve ignored it. She’s my friend. It’s better for her that way.It’s better for both of us that way.That’s what I’ve told myself. But I’ve always known there was something about her. Every time I’d hear her talking about another date gone wrong—and there have been a ton of fucked up dates—I always felt relief.
That’s not how a friend should feel. I should want her to find someone. To be happy.
I shouldn’t want to tell her none of those guys are good enough.
And I definitely don’t need to tell her I am—because I’m not.
These last few days have made those less than platonic feelings really hard to ignore.
Curled up on her side with her hands under her face, she looked like a damn angel, and something primal in me liked having her in my bed. Like it was where she belonged, even if there was no way I’d be able to sleep. I figured I’d be awake all night because my dick was hard and I refused to do anything about it. But it turned out that wasn’t the only reason. Madison Dixon is a bed hog. She’s also a goddamn ice cube. Her feet could flash freeze whatever they touch... and they touched me. A lot. And they’re not the only thing that touched me. Nooo... She’s a cuddler.
It started with her cold feet being shoved between my legs after she’d managed to inch her way across the bed. My eyes popped open, thinking some kind of fucking cold-ass poltergeist was under the sheets with us. But within minutes of warming up her feet between my legs, she rolled her entire body against me, fully twined her legs with mine, and threw her arm across my chest. Then she sort of shimmied against me until she got comfortable, sighed the prettiest sigh I’ve ever fucking heard, and never moved again. Not once. All. Night. Long.
And when did I start categorizing a woman’s sighs? Seriously? What the actual fuck?
Here’s the thing... within seconds, she’d warmed up. From the tips of her ice-cube toes to the top of her sexy smelling head, she warmed up and lay lax against me while I stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with my arms. Maddie was obviously asleep. My little sunshine spent half the night pissed because she doesn’t like to be touched. And fucking consent can’t be given if she’s asleep.
So with my hands folded behind my head, I spent most of the night staring at the ceiling, telling my ragingly hard dick to take a fucking break because the soft, now entirely warm woman who had wrapped herself around me was not going to do anything more than sleep tonight.
Tonightbeing the keyword... Because I swear to God, this woman is getting to me in ways no one ever has. And I’m starting to think there’s a reason for it, and I’m an idiot for ignoring it.
Lenny and Jace’s mom used to say everything happens for a reason, even if you don’t know what that reason is while it’s happening.
Is there a reason we’re being pushed together?
I still don’t know if I can give her what she deserves, even if it might actually be what I also want.
And when she woke up this morning and snuck out of bed like her ass was on fire, I let her think I was sleeping because what the fuck am I supposed to say to her? I don’t think,Hey Mads, I think we should explore this thing between us, but it’s gotta wait until after the fight, is gonna work.
She ran outta the front door pretty quickly after she left my room, and my phone pinged with an incoming text after she left.
Hey. I ran to my house to find something to wear tonight. Didn’t want to wake you. Let me know if you need me to pick anything up while I’m out.
Oh,sunshine. That’s how we’re gonna play this?
“Mads... If you actually want to see the band perform tonight, we’ve got to go,” I yell from the bottom of the steps.