Page 89 of Caged

And that’s how I end up spending the next hour watching these two fight over how to strap a monstrously large tree to Hudson’s truck. Them trying to get it into the house was even funnier. Especially when Cooper came over to help. Carys and I popped a bag of popcorn and laughed while the three of them argued their way through standing it up in the center of the family room.

It only fell over twice.Twice. A twelve-foot tree fell overtwice, and miraculously managed to miss every piece of furniture and every human in the room. I haven’t laughed this hard in years. Eventually Sawyer stopped by. He didn’t tell Hudson Jace called him in as backup, but he did tell me, then swore me to secrecy.

I wouldn’t necessarily call him helpful though.

There may have been a chainsaw brought inside the house at one point.

Yup.Inside the house.They decided the trunk was crooked.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him we should have gotten the Charlie Brown tree I wanted. Carys and I sat there the entire time with tears streaming down our faces from laughing so hard.

Eventually, the tree stood on its own, albeit a little crooked. But there was no way I was telling them that. Chloe brought pizza, and our ragtag group ate, laughed, and did the worst job I’ve ever seen decorating a tree. But it was more fun than I remember having in years.

And now that everyone has left, and it’s well past midnight, Hudson drags me back into the living room to stand under the mistletoe and caresses my cheek. “I love you, Maddie.”

“I love you too, Hud.” I run my hands up his arms, and he winces. “What’s wrong?”

Hudson reaches back and pulls his dark thermal shirt over his head. His bicep is wrapped in plastic wrap. “Did you get a new tattoo today? Was that your errand?”

He ignores my questions and peels back the wrapping, then flexes.

On his bicep is my dragonfly flying in front of the sun. It blends perfectly into his sleeve, like it was always supposed to be there. “Hudson,” I gasp and ghost my finger around it without touching. “It’s beautiful.”

“Do you like it?” He looks nervous, like a little boy who spent all his allowance on a present and is afraid the recipient will be disappointed.

“The detail is amazing. The watercolor purples and greens. They’re perfect.” Suddenly, tears sting the back of my eyes. “I can’t believe you inked me on your skin.”

“I wanted us to make the next big change in our lives together, Maddie. And I wanted something to symbolize that. Every line on my skin tells a story.” He runs a hand over the script on his chest. “I gotOnly the good die youngwhen my stepmother died.” Then he flexes his bicep and tells me each story behind the ink on his body. Until he finally holds up his hand.

“There’s nothing there. You don’t have anything on your hands, Hud.”

“No. Not yet, baby. I’m not really a ring guy, So I thought once we’re married, I could get one tatted on my finger.” Hud tries to drop to his knee, but I quickly grab his arm, stopping him, and my stomach somersaults.

“Hudson... please don’t. Not yet.” He looks at me with hurt in his dark-blue eyes. “Hud. You’re so sure of the world and your place in it that you jump and know everything will be fine. That’s not me. I need to move a little slower than that.”

“But you agreed to move in. I love you, Maddie. And I know you love me.” He holds my hand gently in his, and for a second, I kick myself for stopping what, no doubt, would have been a beautiful proposal.

My entire body trembles as butterflies take flight in my stomach. “I do love you with my whole soul. I just don’t handle change well. I’m a little slower than you. I’m not saying I don’t want to marry you. I’m just saying I need to process these past few weeks a little longer before I’m ready to think about what comes next.”

He picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. “Fine,” he pouts. “But I know what I want, Mads. And I’m not good at waiting. Any idea how long it’ll be until I get my prize?”

“I’ve never been anyone’s prize before.” There go those butterflies again.

“I keep telling you, Maddie. You’re my everything.”

When he kisses me, I think I finally believe him.


“Merry Christmas, baby.”

The smile gracing Maddie’s beautiful face is magnificent. She’s been swaying with Serena in her arms for a while now, while my family gathers in Max and Daphne’s living room, exchanging presents. When I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her middle, she leans back against me, never tearing her eyes off Serena.

“Isn’t she the most perfect thing you’ve ever seen?” The awe in her voice shouldn’t make me hard, but basicallyeverythingMaddie does makes me hard.

A fact she notices quickly as I press against her ass.

“Hudson.” She glares over her shoulder, never breaking the rhythm of her sway.