Page 79 of Caged

Every muscle in his body straining and pulling.

Flexing and shaking.

His face tight and his eyes unfocused.

Quickly, the now-familiar sensation of my impending orgasm catches fire and shatters. Hudson follows me over the edge, and my name is whispered like a silent plea for mercy.

For forgiveness.

This isn’t the version of Hudson Kingston he shows the world.

But I love it all. All the versions. All of this man.


“We’ve really got to stop meeting like this.” I knew from the knock at the front door that Sawyer was here. He seems to be the early morning Kingston.

He squeezes my hand as he walks by, heading for the kitchen. “What’s for breakfast today, Mads?”

Two weeks ago, I would have lost my mind if anyone took it upon themselves to touch me as much as the Kingston siblings do. But I guess in a way, it’s immersion therapy.

Kind of like a baby being thrown into the deep end of the pool, not that I’m saying you should do that. But in those videos, they either swim or need to be saved. And I’m tired of needing to be saved. So even though my first instinct may be to back away, I don’t. Not with any of them. And they’veallbeen in my house over the past few days.

It’s basically been a parade of well-meaning siblings.

“Is he awake yet?” Sawyer helps himself to a mug and pours a cup of coffee.

I swear, I may never get used to this. For the longest time, my happy bubble consisted of Brandon, the girls, and Watkins... and that worked. Now that bubble has popped, and the Kingstons have invaded.

They’re kinda like gremlins.

They’re a little mischievous.

They seem to speak their own language.

They multiply when you’re not looking, almost always traveling in packs.

Yesterday, Jace stopped by after his hockey practice at Kroydon University, told me he was starving, and then answered my door ten minutes later. He returned to the kitchen with takeout he’d DoorDashed for all of us. “I wasn’t sure if you ate pasta or not, Mads. Hud said the pasta messes with your sugar.” He proudly held up the bags with a goofy grin. “So I got a few different options and also a chicken Caesar salad.” He laid out enough food for an army, then yelled up the stairs for Hudson and Brandon to come eat, like he lived here.

“Maddie...” Sawyer waves his hand in front of my face, bringing me back to the current Kingston invading my space, and I blink away the fog.

I... I’m so tired.

“Sorry, Sawyer.” I shake my head and look at the closed door to the basement. “Hudson’s up. He’s in the gym.”

“Does he know the funeral is today?”

I recall the fight he had with Hunter yesterday. “Yeah. He knows. He wants to go. Hunter told him it’s a bad idea. But Hud said he’d stay at the very back of the crowd. He feels like he needs to be there—that he owes Mason that.”

“Damn.” Sawyer leans back against the counter and stares at the floor. “Are you going with him?”

I nod.

“I’m worried about him, Maddie.”

I wish I could tell Sawyer he doesn’t need to worry. But I can’t. Everyone’s been here. All the Kingstons. Cade. Cooper. Imogen. For days now, our house has been a revolving door of people who care about Hudson. But for some reason, my brother is the only person I’ve seen him open up to.

“Trauma is a tricky thing. He’ll talk about it when he’s ready. Until then, we need to be patient.” The way he’s always been patient with me.