I can’t see. Can’t breathe as my climax tears through me, ripping from my lungs and coursing through my veins.
Hudson’s entire body tightens, then fills me as he comes with my name on his lips.
His voice envelops me like a warm blanket I want to wrap myself up in.
If this is a dream, I never want to wake.
* * *
We tumbleinto bed sated and exhausted.
My muscles are sore, and my heart pounds inside my chest.
This is crazy... right?
Hudson brushes over my dragonfly tattoo, tracing the lines and watercolor splashes first with his thumb, then his finger, and finally, with a delicate, worshipping kiss. “You gonna tell me about this?”
I curl into him as he fingers it lovingly. “Why a dragonfly, sunshine?”
“Why do you call me sunshine?” I counter.
“Because you are, baby. You’re sunshine and warmth. Your smile, your eyes, your entire fucking being lights up every room you walk into, and you don’t even realize it. I’ve always wanted to be near you. Been drawn to you. Always wanted just a piece of your attention, so I could feel your warmth.”
My breath is caught in my throat at his admission. “Hudson...” I run my nails over the sleeve tattooed on his arm. “The dragonfly is a symbol. I read about them my freshman year of high school, and it always stuck with me. They’re a symbol of change and transformation. Adaptability. All the things that were so important to surviving while I was growing up. But they’re also delicate and beautiful. Their strength is hidden. I guess I just always felt connected to that. As soon as I saved the money, a friend and I snuck out and got tattoos. I liked that I could hide it and that it was just for me.”
“I fucking love it, Maddie.” His lips press against my skin. “You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met. I hope you know that, sunshine.” He yawns and curls his arms tighter around me. “I love your strength and your warmth, and your sass.” We lie tangled in each other as I run my fingers through his hair, only stopping when he eventually falls asleep. His blond hair falls into his eyes but fails to hide the bruising that bloomed purple, high on his cheek. I was thankful the fight had only gone one round this time, since I didn’t know how I’d handle my nerves wracking me longer than that.
How are you supposed to watch someone you...care about... get hurt?
I lay awake all night, thinking about his life and what it would mean to be part of it.
How does his family do it?
How do they watch this man in fight after fight?
Year after year?
Andoh God, his family.
Am I really being thrown to the wolves tomorrow? Because in a lot of ways, that’s exactly what the Kingstons are. Apex predators who run in a very elite pack. How are they going to handle him bringing someone who’s so far out of his league, let alone his tax bracket, into their inner sanctum?
They have an owner’s box at Kings Stadium, but that’s not where the family watches the games. The Kingstons like their privacy and keep a separate suite just for the family.
My stomach lurches at the thought, and I wrap my arm around Hudson’s waist, tucking my face against his chest.
I used to hold my own against new foster families, new schools, new mean girls, and new handsy boys all the time. I can handle the Kingstons. At least, that’s what I try to convince myself before I finally fall asleep.
I press my lips gently to the scrolling font inked on his chest.
Only the good die young.
I used to think that was true, but now I’m praying I’m wrong.
This man is worth living for.
* * *
When I stepinto the kitchen the next morning, dressed for the game, Hudson whistles like I’m wearing lingerie and high heels and not my black-and-gold Philadelphia Kings jersey with my matching black Converse sneakers sporting sparkly gold laces. He motions for me to spin around, and I laugh at him and walk into his open arms instead.