“I’ll be down in a minute.” Yeah... sure she will.
I check my phone again and see another warning from Cade. He’s pissed.
I worked with the physical therapist from Crucible this afternoon, and it felt good. He said I’m fine to get back into the gym on Monday, and that I can ditch the crutches now. But he wants me taking it easy tonight and tomorrow.
Cade wasn’t thrilled that my version of taking it easy was a night at Kingdom.
Oh, ye of little faith.
Like I’m an asshole kid who’s gonna get drunk, get in a fight, and snort a line of coke off a hooker’s tits or something. I’ve got more discipline on any given night than most people will ever hope to have. Does that mean that I miss out on some of the fun?
So. Fucking. What.
It’s what I need to do to get what I want.
And what I want is to be the best this sport has ever seen.
If it means I go to bed at the same damn time every night, eat bland chicken and steamed vegetables every day, and treat my body like the temple it is, bring it on. If not, I wouldn’t be here with multiple championship titles already behind me.
One week away from my next one.
Hell, at this rate, it might not even matter because I’m not sure we’re actually making it to the bar tonight. Maddie’s been getting ready for over an hour.
I wouldn’t even be going if it weren’t for her.
But she seemed so damn excited about seeing the band, and for some reason the idea of her going without me left a nasty taste in my mouth.
I grab my keys from the table in the hall, then turn when I hear heels tapping against the hardwood stairs.
“Damn,” I breathe out, surprised I’ve got any breath left.
Maddie’s freckles dance against the pretty pink flush that moves up her cheeks. “Is that a gooddamn?” she asks, before she spins in a circle, showing off her dress from all angles.
And not a single angle disappoints. It’s a dark-blue, silky thing that kind of clings to her body without being skintight. It dips down in the front, showcasing a mouthwatering tease of her chest, with a bit of extra fabric that’s held together by tiny straps tied around her neck and trailing down her bare back.
There’s no way she’s wearing a bra, and I don’t see even a hint of a panty line on her barely covered ass.
Ho-ly. Fuck.She’s trying to kill me.
“It’s an excellentdamn, Mads.” I clear my throat and grab my coat from the back of a chair. “Where’s your coat?”
She places her phone inside a small purse and closes it with a smile. “No coat.”
“It’s twenty-two degrees outside, Madison.” I stare at her, waiting for her to grab something, but she doesn’t move.
“I don’t have one here, Hudson. I only have a sweatshirt, and I’m not wearing that. I’ll be fine. Plus, I’m pretty sure we won’t be waiting outside in a line at your brother’s bar.” She takes a few steps toward the front door, then looks over her shoulder and bats her lashes. “Are you coming?”
It’s pretty fucking hard to think straight when every last ounce of blood has left my brain and gone to my dick, so I silently drape my peacoat over her shoulders as we walk to the car.
Once I open her door, she sits down in the seat and crosses her legs. That damn dress barely covers her ass and rides all the way up her thigh, causing my brain to short-circuit. “Thanks, Hud.”
I raise my eyes to hers and fight unbelievably hard to not stare at her firm nipples pressing against the silk of her dress.
Fuck me. That’s one fight I’m happy to lose.
* * *
When Sawyer boughtKingdom a few years ago, he threw everything he had into it. We all knew it would be a success, but none of us had any ideahow successfulit would become. The converted old warehouse takes up an entire block of cobblestone streets in Old City, Philadelphia.