It’s a new urge, and I don’t hate it.
“Are you okay, Mads?” He adjusts his hold on the crutch, still favoring his sore knee and searching my face for an answer. “Maddie?”
I take a deep breath to settle my thoughts as they go into overdrive. “I’m fine. I just... God, why is it so hard?”
Hudson cocks his eyebrow, and I realize what I said. More importantly, what it sounded like. “Not you, you big goof.”
“I know, sunshine. I just wanted to see you smile. You never smiled tonight. Not your real smile anyway.” Hudson steps back. “Let me throw some pants on.”
He moves into the walk-in closet, nearly out of view but not completely.
No... I can’t tear my eyes away, as the black towel hits the plush carpet, and am rewarded with an unobstructed view of one calf before it’s covered by a pair of dark jersey pajama pants. When he steps back into the room, he’s shirtless with just those pajama bottoms hanging from incredibly lean hips. Of course, this king has those damn dips that form a perfect V leading to... trouble.Yup. I bring my eyes back up to meet his and see a devilish spark staring back at me.Definitely leading to trouble.
Hudson ambles across the room and presses a button that closes the drapes, then sits on the bed with the TV remote in his hand. “Come on, Mads. I want to see what happens in the nextHarry Potter. Watch it with me.”
And like a moth to a flame, I throw caution to the wind and walk into the room.
* * *
Oh.My. God.
Ohmygod... Noooo.
I know, without a doubt, exactly where I am the next morning before I crack open a single eye. Wide-awake Maddie might hate the idea of being touched, but apparently, I turn into a little ho when I’m sleeping and can’t get enough of it. I hold myself still, unsure if I’m trying to soak this moment in before I have to get up or if I’m scared it’s a dream I don’t want to end. Hudson’s arms are wrapped around me, and so is that clean, crisp scent I swear makes me stupid every time I’m near him.
There’s an incredibly hard body beneath me.
And this time, it’s not just beneath my face.
No. Because that wasn’t humiliating enough.
It’s beneath a leg, half my chest, an arm, and my face.
I don’t move a muscle while I listen to Hudson’s even breathing and say a quick prayer to every god I’ve ever read about, and some I may have only heard of in some less than stellar books, that if I move off him slowly and carefully, he won’t wake up. Because seriously... if I’m going to do the walk of shame for the very first freaking time, I should have at least gotten an orgasm I didn’t give myself out of it. Not just aHarry Pottermovie.
I don’t think I’ve ever moved this slowly in my entire life, but somehow, I manage to extricate myself from Hudson’s bed, without the man in question waking up, and basically run back to the other room to get dressed and get out of the house.
Once I’m in my car, I send him a text, grab a protein bar from my purse, and head to my house. It doesn’t take me long to get there, but figuring out what the heck I want to wear tonight is a whole different story. I want to look... hot? Sexy? I don’t know what I want to look like. I just know I’m not finding it in this closet, so after close to an hour of indecision, I call in the reserves.Figuratively speaking.
Who’s going to Kingdom to see Six Day War tonight? And what are we wearing?
Well, you already know I’m in. I’ve got a strappy silk top and a little leather skirt I was thinking about wearing with knee-high boots.
I’ll be there, but I’ve got no clue what I’m wearing.
Yes she does. Doc Martens and skinny jeans. When was the last time you wore anything else?