Page 76 of Cruel Promise

The world?

My shitty luck?

I end my call with Evie before I say too much, and my heart hurts so much I curl up in a ball.

Just when I’m making something of my life, this shit rains down on my head. But I can deal with these beasts. I have no choice. They’re seasoned criminals for sure, but there must be some compassion, somewhere deep in their hearts. Well, maybe not Vadik’s, but Kir and Niko have some humanity to them. I’ve got to reach that. Dig in and make a space for myself there. Make them see me as a human who deserves love and respect.

Not to be offloaded on some rich fucker so they can get their club on solid ground.

But if my father can’t get his act together without selling off one of his daughters, what the hell makes me think these men are capable of major change?

The Alekseev brothers aren’t nice people. They’re scarred and dangerous, damaged by the world they exist in. They have hate in their hearts.

And I’m afraid, pretty soon, I will, too.

* * *



“Charleigh. Can I come in?”

I knock on her door. She’s the type who appreciates that.

Vadik and Kir left for the lounge to press the flesh with some members, but I declined. This day has kicked my ass, so I’m going to have a drink, put my feet up, and watch sports. If I don’t, I’m afraid I’ll punch someone’s lights out, and I’m not a really violent guy.

Not compared to my brothers.

Well, relaxationwasmy plan until I overhear Charleigh talking to someone who I guess is her troublemaking younger sister.

“Come in,” she calls in a weary voice.

She’s beaten down. Not surprising, really.

I find her on her bed, blowing her nose and wiping away what I’m sure are tears.

“You good?” I ask, even though she’s obviously not. “Want something to eat? I can get Chef to make you something.”

Food is always good. Neutral. Noncommittal.

Having changed out of her work outfit, she’s wearing sweats and socks bunched around the ankles. Without a sexy get-up and with her face scrubbed clean of makeup, she’s unrecognizable, at least to anyone who’s seen her working here at the club. She looks like any other girl who might be out running errands, picking up a coffee, or even hitting a movie.

Or whatever normal girls do. I don’t know many, so can only guess.

Looking at her hands in her lap, her hair prevents me from seeing her face. That’s how I know she’s crying. “Not hungry,” she whispers.

“Okay, then. I’ll be watching sports right out here if you need anything.” I start to back out of the room. I’m not sure I could really comfort her even if I wanted to. I am flat out of gas and she seems like she’d rather be left alone, anyway.

“Hey, Niko?” she calls before I pull the door shut.


“How long… how long has my dad been coming to your card games?” There’s a brittleness in her voice I haven’t heard before. Has she accepted her fate? Is the ugliness of the life we’re leading her into already ruining her, turning her into something different?

It’s a shame. But inevitable, I tell myself, trying to feel better about it.

I walk back into her room. “Why? Why are you asking?”