The men, the Alekseevs and Dimitri’s group, take turns greeting thePakhanwith handshakes and, I observe, a respectable amount of eye contact.
Not so different from anywhere else.
And then one of thePakhan’smen steps into the group. “We understand Dimitri Yegorov has a grievance, caused by an accusation by Niko Alekseev.”
All the men nod.
“And that Niko has no proof. Is that correct, Niko?” the man asks.
Vadik steps up. “Wait a minute now—”
But the man cuts him off. “Do you have proof? Or no proof?”
Vadik and Niko exchange glances. “No,” they say.
Both thePakhanand the man look down, shaking their heads.
I don’t know if I’m more fascinated by this exchange, relieved that someone is here to mediate, or scared that a brawl is about to break out.
Dimitri holds his chin up, as if to underscore the insult he’s endured. “They have accused me with no proof. In fact, they have accused me of other things too. Until today, I have always been willing to let this go. But they’ve gone too far this time. And as payment, I want the girl,” he says, gesturing toward me with his chin. “Today.”
He doesn’t even look at me. Just gestures. Like I’m not worth the trouble.
Okay. Maybe he won’t be an ally.
ThePakhanturns his attention to me. “This is what you want?” he asks Dimitri, pointing.
Cripes. Like I’m not even here.
He nods. “You have permission to take her.”
Is this my opportunity?
The previous quiet erupts into an explosion of both protest and approval, starting with my automatic shriek. In spite of my lame masterplan, I run to hide behind Kir, on the edge of the group, and both Niko and Vadik start speaking at the same time. Actually, shouting.
A glance at Dimitri shows a smug smile as he watches the brothers, his enemies, try to change thePakhan’sdecision.
I’m right. This has nothing to do with me. I’m just collateral damage. They could be fighting over a chair, just to see who wins.
ThePakhanraises his hands and everyone is quiet again.
Like a schoolteacher wrangling a bunch of naughty little boys. Boys with guns. And bad tempers.
“This woman, here,” Vadik says pointing, “is under contract to us. She’s to pay the debt of her father and is due to be auctioned next week. We have prohibited Dimitri from attending. He lacks the… decorum of our club members. His behavior has been an affront too many times.”
I don’t know whether to sob with relief that Vadik is trying to get me off the hook, or sob at the hopelessness of what lies ahead.
“Please, please, please,” I whisper in Kir’s ear, “don’t let them take me.”
He reaches behind himself where I am hiding and pats my hip. I’m not comforted.
“Please,” I cry, “somebody help me.” The tears begin to flow.
ThePakhan’sgaze snaps in my direction. “Quiet, girl,” he growls.