Page 65 of Cruel Promise

I have so many questions. But now is not the time. I follow Vadik’s and Kir’s gaze to a handful of men gathered around a truck. While I can’t hear exactly what they’re saying, voices are loud and there is a lot of hand gesturing. And in the middle of it are Niko and Dimitri.

Dimitri. Will he help me out of my situation?

The SUV stops and Kir and Vadik start to climb out. Before the door closes after them, Vadik turns to me. “Stay in there, Charleigh. No reason for you to leave the car.”

The door slams and the locks click into place right away. I turn to look at the driver, and he nods back at me, confirming he’s taking his orders from the brothers and no one else.

Including me.

It takes only a moment for things to get so heated among the men that the driver leaves the SUV, I suppose to provide reinforcement. When he does, the doors unlock. And they don’t re-lock. I remember Vadik’s words, that I have no business getting out of the car. But that doesn’t mean I can’t listen. I open my window a couple inches since the key is still in the ignition, but I can’t fully make out what they’re saying.

Until I hear my name mentioned. Yeah, I definitely hear my name.

Vadik, in clear view, has his hands spread out like he’s trying to reason with someone. His brothers are frowning, concentrating, anticipating, and Dimitri wears his usual mocking sneer. They are all so engrossed, they’ll never notice me exit the far side of the SUV, the side they can’t see, where I can crouch down behind a tire and listen better.

I even contemplate escaping for a moment, but picture the hell that would rain down on my father and, by default, Evie. I’m not so concerned about Pops, not anymore, but Evie’s a different story. She has her life ahead of her, and while she’s messing things up right and left, I have to believe it’s just a phase she’ll find her way out of.

She needs me for that.

But first things first.

I open the car door slowly and carefully slip out, staying low. Then, I move to the end of the car where I can crouch beside the wheel, and try to make sense of the conversation I overhear.

“I don’t know why your men blame me for everything that goes wrong in your business. Maybe you should have learned from your father’s success. He never had these issues you boys do,” Dimitri says, taunting, poking, pushing.

Does he have no idea how dangerous his behavior is? Or does he just not care? It’s like he has a death wish.

I hear a sharp intake of air, and while I can’t see, I know it’s one of the brothers trying not to lose his shit on this creep. “Don’t bring my father into this, you fucker. In fact, don’t ever mention him again with that dirty mouth of yours.”

These guys aren’t kidding when they say they hate Dimitri.

But I guess that’s how you are if someone killed your parents and got away with it.

* * *



That’s when I feel a sharp tug on the ponytail I fixed my hair into after messing around with Vadik. The pain is so sudden and sharp, I emit a small scream in spite of all attempts to remain silent. I am yanked to my full height so fast I can’t get my feet under me. I’m essentially hanging by my hair, scrambling to grab anything within reach.

But there is nothing for me to grasp as my attacker drags me away from the car. My scalp screams in pain as it and my hair support my body weight, and I wonder how long it will take before it begins to rip out of my head. They’ve done this before, I can tell. This person who’s grabbed me is well aware their torture is crippling. I swing my arms frantically but only flail. Hell, even if I had a weapon, I’m not sure I could think clearly enough to use it. But, of course, if I had a weapon, this might not be happening.

“Well, well,” Dimitri booms from where he stands with the brothers.

I’d know that voice anywhere.

My attacker drags me from the hidden side of the SUV to where the rest of the men are. Dimitri and his sidekicks laugh, while the Alekseevs, each of the three, go from wearing angry, tight expressions to murderous rage.

Is that because of a sense of protection or responsibility they feel for me, or just that Dimitri thinks he’s bested them?

“What the fuck—” Niko says.

“She must have been waiting in the SUV, boss,” my handler calls to Dimitri. “I caught her listening.”

The man hauls me in the direction of the guys, and because I still don’t have my feet solidly under me, I’m tripping and stumbling like a drunk person.

“Let me go,” I scream, continuing to flail, more out of reflex than any hope it will help.