Page 56 of Cruel Promise

For sale.

Because my father got himself into debt, so much that he could only pay it off by pimping me out.

I can’t… I won’t…

My mother would be ashamed. So ashamed.

“Oh, I meant to add, Charleigh,” Dominika continues, ignoring the fact that I’m swaying right in front of her, “there’s someone very special coming to meet you this evening, someone who I think will be very interested in you. In fact, I suspect he’ll be along… right about now.”

As if on cue, because of course, the lounge door opens. Two tall, buff men in tailored suits enter, scanning the room like they’re looking for someone. They nod at each other and turn to usher a third person through the door.

A trollish old man totters in, and each of the guys takes one of his sides, looking in part ready to take orders from him, and in part ready to prop him up should he fall over.

Who the hell is this?

He myopically heads toward Dominika, probably attracted to her beacon of fiery red hair, when his gaze shifts to me.

And as if no one else is in the room, heads straight my way.

* * *



I’m reeling from the bombshell news Dominika so gleefully dumped on me, her eyes literally glittering as she did, like she was informing me I won the lottery or something. That’s how excited she was to lay her horror on me, and I think she even stood a little taller when she did, so pleased she was with herself.

I have no doubt she would have been that much more happy had I fallen to my knees and begged for mercy, shedding tears all over her stilettos.

And as if the news that I am going to beauctionedlike a human piece of cattle isn’t horrifying enough, a troll of a man who acts like he walks on water seems to have taken a liking to me.

As if the deal is done. The sale is made and the buyer is awaiting delivery.

My thoughts ricochet back and forth between this man, who seems only to use a first name—Alexei—and the betrayal I feel on the part of the brothers. Haven’t our intimate moments meant anything? Didn’t they look in my eyes as they came?

What about mypower?

The power I stupidly thought I held over them…

Any my plan to pit them against Dimitri, to the point of mutual destruction.

What is wrong with these people?

And Alexei. Seriously, how did such an unappealing specimen of sub-humanity come into the sort of power where people all but bow and kiss his feet when he enters a room?

Truly. When he arrived, the few club members in attendance, enjoying their lovely wine, stopped talking. They looked at each other briefly with expressions I didn’t understand, then jumped to their feet and smiled in his direction.

I observe all this in a brief moment because after that, I have to focus on the creature before me, whose rheumy eyes look me over like I am a tasty meal.

By contrast, and not for the first time today, it’s all I can do not to vomit.

Alexei’s complexion—I shudder every time I think his name—is an unhealthy yellow-gray. His puffy face is dotted with protruding moles, and what little hair he has is combed over his head, held in place with some sort of greasy substance.

I know this because he’s of a height where, in my heels, I look down on the top of his head.

His smoke-tinged voice drips with carnality, and when he runs a smoke-stained finger along my bare bicep, I involuntarily recoil.

It’s like being touched by a piece of rotten garbage. And he probably has no freaking idea I feel this way about his repulsive ass.