We’re sending Charleigh away and keeping Dominika around.
Something about that is goddamn backwards.
* * *
“Someone’s got to tell her. Charleigh deserves to know what’s in store for her,” I say.
Kir grabs the chair opposite Vadik’s desk and leans back with a stretch. I know he’s trying to act all casual and shit, but he’s got to be thinking along the same lines as me.
Jesus, the girl deserves to know she’s about to be auctioned to some fucker who wants to buy her virginity. My fists clench at the thought, so I stuff them in my trouser pockets.
It’s a business transaction, I remind myself. That’s all it is.
“Do you think she really has no idea? I mean, is she that clueless?” Vadik asks. “Eh, let Dominika tell her. She’s her problem, anyway.”
Goddamn, sometimes I want to smack him.
“I want to tell her before Dominika does. The woman will get too much pleasure out of freaking her out.”
I can see it now, Dominika laughing and telling Charleigh to just suck it up.
“Who do you think will bid on her? I mean, like really bid? Like big fucking bucks?” Kir asks. “She could go for a lot. I mean, I wouldn’t mind popping that cherry. She sucks dick like a champ. I can only imagine—”
“Stop,” I holler, surprising myself.
And pissing myself off too. Just gave myself away, dammit.
Kir doesn’t miss a beat. “Look, little bro, I like her too. She’s sweet as honey. But she’s not ours. You need to keep that in mind.”
I glare at him.
“Unless…” he continues, “youwant to buy her.”
The room is quiet for a moment.
“Out of the question,” Vadik says, getting to his feet. “You don’t have the kind of money we can raise from our members. Not many people do. Now c’mon. We’ve got work to do. All of us.”
“I hear Alexei is due for a visit,” Kir says as he joins Vadik in standing. “That old fucker,” he chuckles.
Holy Christ. This is not good news.
Alexei is old school. Old, and old school. He came over from Russia before my father did, and helped him with some business dealings. He thinks the Alekseev family is still indebted to him and acts like a VIP around the club because he was friends with Papa. We don’t let him think otherwise, but the day he finally keels over and dies will be a happy one for us.
When he finds out about Charleigh, he’s going to want her for himself. He can afford to pay for her. He’s the richest billionaire in our faction.
I mean, my brothers and I have money. But this man hasseriousfucking money. Like he can buy anything he wants anytime, kind of money. A jet, a yacht, an island.
A beautiful young virgin coveted by many.
Shit, he might even bid her up to show the rest of theslobs, as he calls them, just how rich he is. Gain their envy. In his way of thinking, envy equals respect.
Whoever has the most toys—or anything of value, really—wins. Alexei likes to win. And he usually does.
Vadik takes a deep breath and looks between my brother and me. He knows something. Something he doesn’t want to tell us.