Page 37 of Cruel Promise

I also hoped I’d earned…somethingfrom lunch’s sexy time. Maybe a privilege of some sort for submitting to Vadik’s wandering hands and his brothers’ wandering eyes. Guess not.

But to be honest, I didn’t play along because I was trying to gain any sort of favor. The truth is, I enjoyed it. I never thought of myself as an exhibitionist, but those guys watching me, while I should have been embarrassed and ashamed, somehow egged me on. I wanted more.

So many levels of fucked up.

“C’mon,” Dominika says, opening the dressing room door.

I follow her to the ‘spa,’ where they gave me that hideously painful waxing, and sit on the edge of the exam table.

“Take your panties off and lay back. Put your feet on the edge of the table. Scoot down more.”

I wrestle myself into position, completely exposed, and shut my eyes tightly in anticipation of what’s next.

The door opens and Dominika calls out. “Doctor. You can come in now.”

Oh god.

“Hello, Charleigh.”

I open my eyes to see a pockmarked old man set his bag down next to the table. He doesn’t even glance my way as he pulls on a white coat and exam gloves and withdraws a syringe from his bag, exposing the top of his combed-over scalp to me. With a couple taps on my inner arm, he withdraws a small vial of blood. Dominika stands back, her arms crossed, supervising.

He drops the vial into some sort of container and moves to the end of the table where my legs are splayed open. He removes his gloves, and I watch a small smile grow on his face as he opens and pokes around my pussy lips with his bare, rough fingers, teasing my clit until I want to die of shame.

“What are you doing? This is not what’s done in an exam—”

But Dominika presses my arm where the blood was just withdrawn and the pain shuts me up.

“Almost done, Charleigh. Now try to relax,” he says, his voice thick. “She’s nice and responsive, Dominika. You’ve done well here.”

She just grunts.

“Ooof,” I groan as he pushes two fingers into my vagina, stopping when he meets resistance. It doesn’t feel good.

Nothing like what Vadik did the day before.

“Wow,” he says, withdrawing his fingers and turning to Dominika. “She’s the real thing. You know how rare that is?”

They continue talking about me like I’m not even there, like I’m nothing more than a hymen and a clitoris, so I sit up on the table and pull my legs together.

“I’ll be back to you with the blood results in a couple days, but I don’t think we’ll find any surprises. Let me know if you need help with the photos. You know that’s one of my weaknesses,” he says with a watery chuckle.

Photos? What the fuck?

Dominika pats him on the back as he heads to the door. She closes it after him.

“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asks.

She doesn’t give me a chance to answer, not that I would.

“Now, let’s get you to work.”

* * *



Back in my room after what seems like a marathon midday shift of shuttling back and forth between the bartender and club patrons, ensuring their glasses are always full of whatever beverage they require, I’m so tired I want to cry. I pull off the crazy stripper shoes I’ve been wobbling around in and rub my ankles, when the idea of a hot bath crosses my mind.