“Hey, Vadik,” I say, “remember the other day when I asked if you guys could bid on me? So I could stay with you?”
So sad I’m asking to stay with them because they are the lesser of evils. What a freaking joke.
Not surprisingly, my question doesn’t go over well.
Vadik glares at me. “Come. I’ll show you your new room.”
Dammit. Did I go too far?
And if I did, what the hell do they expect? Of course I’m going to try and bargain for better circumstances.
Who wouldn’t? My father might be a fool, but I’m not.
For fuck’s sake.
My new room is identical to the last except for some weird metal shades that look like they come down over the windows.
“Are those for blocking the sun?” I ask.
Vadik chuckles. “No. They are for blocking gunfire. This is essentially a safe room. Have you ever heard of one?”
I gulp. “Um, well, yeah. In the movies.”
He nods. “Same idea. I’ll let you get settled in. If anything ever happens, that button on the wall next to the door will activate the entire system, as well as locking this door from the inside.”
Lock the door from the inside?
As if he can read my mind, he shakes a finger at me. “Don’t get any ideas, Charleigh. My brothers and I can override the system. So you can’t lockusout.” He rubs a hand over his smooth head like he wants to say something else. He doesn’t, though.
I glance around and find not only have my few belongings been brought over from the other room, but they are creepily in the same places I left them. A magazine on the dresser. Sneakers next to the easy chair. My phone on the nightstand. I grab it and take stock of my missed calls.
First, I text Luci.
Hey there.
OMG, there u r. WTF?
Did u get an A?
Don’t change subj. What’s going on?
I’m fine. Rly.
Pls let me help. I know something’s up. I’m begging.
Can Luci really do something to help me? Of course not. No one can help me. And telling her anything would only put her in the same sort of danger I’m in, knowing what I do about the guys.
And make things worse for me, if that’s at all possible.
Sry honey, gotta go.
* * *
I put my phone face-down on the bed. I still need to return a call to Evie, but I want to make sure I sound normal when I do.