Page 69 of Cruel Promise

In fact, he’s a couple inches taller than both Vadik and me. Apparently, his father—hisrealfather—was a very tall man.

“We will find out who intercepted our guns, Dimitri. We have many ‘friends’ on our payroll, who are undoubtedly far more loyal to us than you and your operations. And when that happens, there will be a high price for you to pay.”

Dimitri rolls his eyes at Niko’s warning, but is unable to hide the subtle shift in his expression, giving away his uneasiness with being reminded of the wide Alekseev network. His own cannot measure up to ours as a result of the respect our father garnered over the years, our cash resources, and the authorities we have in our pockets. Our shipmentwilleventually surface. When it does, there will be hell to pay.

“You’re spinning your wheels, Niko,” Dimitri says, clapping his hands together as if to signal the meeting’s over. “I’ll look forward to seeing you all next weekend at the club. I may even come a little early to get a good seat. I want to get a close look at what I’ll be taking home with me. You know, since you won’t allow ‘try before you buy.’” He cackles at this, and Charleigh gasps.

She doesn’t let go of my arm until Dimitri and team pull out of the parking lot and their tail lights fade out of sight. Then, without a word, she heads back to the SUV, crawling into the backseat. She presses her face against the window next to her and squeezes her eyes shut, like if she wishes hard enough, she’ll find herself someplace else.

Anyplace else.

I jump to grab the seat next to her. She’s so distracted she doesn’t notice, but my brothers do and roll their eyes.

I don’t care. Fuck them.

Laying an arm on the seat back, I casually stroke her shoulders, hoping I can soothe her. I won’t be able to do much for her after the weekend, when she becomes the property of another man, but it feels good to do something nice now.

Or is it actually more cruel? To get her comfortable and trusting, only to foist her off on the highest bidder with no regard to what kind of bastard the man might be?

I push those troubling thoughts aside and pull her to me until she rests her head on my shoulder. Vadik and Niko are watching, unable to take their eyes off her.

God knows I need a distraction, and I figure she does too. I hate tussling with that bastard Dimitri. It’s one thing to negotiate with sane people—all parties want something, you work it out, and everyone walks away with the semblance of a good deal in the end. People are happy, or at least mostly happy. But with a loose cannon like him, there’s no reality check on his demands, nor is there telling when things might spiral out of control. When that happens, people end up dead.

It’s likely the one to end up dead will be Dimitri someday. Not that I care. I just don’t want him six feet under before we prove he murdered our parents. When that day comes, and I hope it does soon, there will be hell to pay.

Until then, we just have to suffer through the waiting game—waiting until he trips up one way or the other and reveals himself.

After a bunch of stressful bullshit like today, I like to go for a jog to clear my head. Sometimes I run for so long and so far that when I’m about dead of exhaustion and am forced to finally stop, I don’t even know where I am. But since I’m stuck in the SUV heading back to the club, I am thinking of another way to blow off some steam. And maybe get Charleigh to join.

* * *



I gently take her chin and turn her toward me. Running a thumb over her lower lip, her mouth opens slightly. Her eyes are heavy-lidded.

Seems I’m not the only one needing some relief.

I kiss her forehead, nose, and cheeks, then brush her lips just enough to tease. It’s not lost on me that when I don’t fully lay my mouth on hers, she groans a little, as if in disappointment.


But I have other plans for her pretty mouth.

“Charleigh,” I whisper.

I glance at the bench seat across from me, where my brothers sit, watching intently.

“Yes?” she asks, dreamily.

“Why don’t you get down on your knees here, darling?”

She pulls back and looks at me, wide-eyed with surprise. But a second later, as if she doesn’t even need to think about it, she gives me a shy smile while unbuckling her seatbelt.

And slides to the car floor in front of me.

“Good girl,” I say, running my palm down her cheek. “You know what I want, don’t you?”