Page 39 of Cruel Promise

I hold my breath while I’m hanging out of the tub, dripping onto the floor. If Evie’s gotten herself into some sort of mess, there’s not a lot I can do in my current situation.

Shit, shit, shit.

“Miss Gates? This is Evie’s principal.”

I gulp. “Yes, I know. Is everything… all right?”

“Evie’s gotten into another fight.”

* * *



I pull on the jeans and sneakers I arrived in, and sit on the edge of my bed, trying to think of what to do next.

I have to get to Evie’s school. They won’t let her go without either Pops or me picking her up, and they know better than to expect my father to do it.

I haven’t seen the brothers all day, except for when Niko poked his head into the lounge and spotted me from across the room. He smiled, a fact not lost on the bartender and some of the guests, and after he left, I could swear I was treated with a little more respect. Or at least there was less ass-grabbing.

Aside from that, I know the brothers come and go, working their various businesses. They can’t stay here in the club all day and night, even if it is their top priority of the moment. But I do hope to get some casual time with them later to learn more about what the hell I’m doing here.

I want to see them for other reasons, too. The sort of reasons that have been keeping me up at night, thinking naughty thoughts.

But my sister is my top priority. Everyone and everything else can go right to hell. Looking straight ahead, I walk out of my room to the elevator and head down to the ground floor, which I’ve not been on since the first day I arrived. I weave through some mingling guests until I push open the heavy door leading outside.

It slams behind me in a violent whoosh, and it occurs to me I have no way to get back in other than knocking. Or pounding.

How was that so easy? Can I just walk out anytime I want?

I know the answer to that. Yes, I can. But there are consequences. Ugly ones.

The brilliant daylight stuns me for a moment, and I realize I’ve only been exposed to artificial light for the last several days. I shield my eyes, squinting as I try to figure out which direction to head toward to get out of this forgotten industrial part of town and to my sister’s school. I start walking as quickly but inconspicuously as possible while looking down at my phone to call an Uber.

That’s when a large hand lands on my upper arm.

I turn to see Kir and my heart jumps into my throat. Dammit. What am I going to do now?

“Charleigh,” he says, drawing out my name like I’m a bad little girl.

While he has me in his grip, his face is calm. Friendly, even. He’s smiling the way you would if you’ve just run into a neighbor. His head is tilted, his longish hair pulled back tightly, and he’s wearing some version of updated Ray-Bans.

If I passed him on the street, it would be all I could do not to stare. He looks like a genuinely nice, normal, although exceedingly handsome, guy. The kind most girls would be happy to date. Even bring home to Mom and Dad.

“Kir,” I say, thinking fast. “Can you help me with something? I have a… family emergency.”

Amusement crosses his face. “Um, sure, Charleigh. I’m happy to help,” he says, not loosening his grip.

I look from where he’s holding me to his face. “Kir. This is a real emergency. My sister is in trouble at school. I have no choice but to go to her.”

He nods slowly, not buying a bit of it.

“Look, I need to get there ASAP and figure out what’s up. She’s a… troubled kid. Things haven’t been good for her since our mom died.”

He should be able to relate to this, right?

And I guess he does, because his grip moves from my upper arm to my hand, which he takes, his fingers intertwining with mine. “All right. I’ll take you.”