She might think she’s smart by not drinking. Keeping her wits about her, as if that might benefit her in some way. But she’s not smarter than my brothers and me. Few people are.
After learning more about our lives than she probably bargained for in one sitting, she looks small at our table, her shoulders slumped, her arms crossed. A defensive posture if ever there was one.
I want to take her in my arms.
Fuck all. This isn’t like me. Not one bit.
But I’m willing to take a chance. “Charleigh, come over here, please,” I say, patting my thigh.
I’m not sure how she’ll react to this, but I have to say, she’s just so fetching across the table, whether she’s closed off or not.
Watching her has left me with a slight midday hard-on that I need to get under control.
Or not.
She looks around, first at my brothers and me, like she’s not sure whether I’m serious. Then, to my surprise, she shrugs, gets to her feet, and makes her way over to my side of the table, slightly wobbly in the high heels she’s still not particularly graceful in.
I push my chair out and take her onto my lap. While she’s tall, she feels small in my arms, I suppose because she’s on the skinny side. She folds herself into me and presses her head to my chest, eyes closed.
To say I’m surprised is an understatement. But I’m pretty sure she does little that’s not premeditated, and that she thinks she’s pulling one over on me. That’s okay, though. We’re going to have a little fun.
I inhale her scent, which stirs something unfamiliar in me. I’m used to women being perfumed to the ends of their hair, overly made up, and eager to please because they expect something in return.
Charleigh might learn to think like that someday. But for now, in her innocence, she has no idea how her beauty can be used as currency. She still believes in merit. Getting ahead with honest hard work. Without cheating or taking shortcuts. Acting with honor. And integrity.
So naïve.
I push her thick hair aside, baring her skin, and run a finger over the warm crook of her neck. In spite of whatever she might have up her sleeve, she nestles deeper into my arms and emits a sigh. She’s happy to accept a little comfort, even if it is from an insincere bastard like me. My brothers watch from the other side of the table with great curiosity, wondering where this is going.
Just like I know they have the hots for her, they now know I do, too.
* * *
When my stroke moves from her neck to her shoulder, I continue down her long, graceful arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps, and end up on her thigh. The hem of her short skirt and the lacy top of her stocking expose a nice swath of skin that immediately warms under my touch. I ease my fingers to her inner thigh, and begin to work her leg, previously plastered to the one next to it, open a couple inches.
While I’m doing this, I clasp her chin with my free hand and maneuver her closer to my lips until I can taste the soft, fragrant skin of her neck.
She stiffens for a moment when I pull her leg away from the one next to it, but when I leave a trail of kisses on her neck, she relaxes back into me.
I wonder how often our pretty girl masturbates. And how she does it. Is she a lay on her stomach type, working her hand down between her legs? Or is she a hump the pillow type? Maybe she lays on her back with her legs pressed tightly together to enhance the sensation. Does she fuck herself with her hand? Or just play with her clit until she comes?
I want to know all this and more. And I will find out, given the time.
But until that happens, I want to bring our girl some pleasure.
I graze my fingertips across the crotch of her panties and she shudders. She begins to pull her legs back together, but I hold them in place.
“Wh… what are you doing?” she asks in a dreamy voice, pushing against the hand holding her legs open.
“Charleigh,” I whisper, “what areyoudoing? Are you telling me tostop? Are you telling meno?”
Her eyes flutter open like she’s suddenly awake. “I… I don’t know,” she says, quivering.
“Well, baby, I can tell you one thing, and it’s thatnois no longer part of your vocabulary.”