“I love you,” I murmur. “I love you so fucking much, Peach.”

“I love you, too,” she says. “Forever, Javi.”

I smile. “Forever.”




I wish our business with the Gulf Pack was truly, completely over…but that’s not how it works when you grew up in a cult.

The rest of our crew—the group responsible for distracting Gideon’s wolves at the dock—arrives back home the next day. I somehow manage to haul Javi and myself out of the comfort of our bed and out into the corridor after a knock on the door from Will letting us know that Reyes wants to talk. It’s already mid-morning and we’ve missed breakfast, but I hope there’s something left in the Visitors’ Center for us to eat.

We definitely need it. We spent all night wrapped in each other’s arms, fucking as loudly as we wanted for the first time ever.

Can’t imagine we were good neighbors…but I think the others will understand.

Birds are singing in the trees around the den when we come out into the sunlight, a few people working in the big garden plot between here and the kitchens. They raise their hands and wave at me as we pass. Javi keeps his eyes up, scanning for any threats.

There aren’t any threats.

Or…maybe I shouldn’t be so confident about that. After all, he and Boyd got in just fine.

We cross the space to the Visitors’ Center quickly enough, the smell of breakfast still wafting from inside. Pancakes, I think—sweet and warm, maple syrup mingling with sugar and flour. I glance around to see if I can find leftovers when I catch sight of a group of wolves at a table near the kitchen, still dressed in fatigues from the road.

My eyes widen and a smile breaks across my face.

“Reyes!” I call. “Tilda, Arden!”

The three of them are sitting with a blond man that I recognize as Boyd, though we’ve never actually been introduced. I rush toward them and grab Arden in a tight hug before she can protest, knowing she’s the one most likely to try fending me off. I grab Tilda next, then Reyes—and Boyd huffs out a surprised breath when I hug him, too.

“Wasn’t expecting that,” he chuckles as I step back.

“Why? Because you kidnapped me?” I scoff.

He snorts. “I mean…yeah, that would be a damn good reason not to hug someone.”

I shrug, pointing at Javi. “He was part of that whole thing too, and we’re basically married now.”

They laugh and clasp hands, then I get to business introducing everyone.

“Javi, this is Reyes, Tilda, and Arden…Reyes and Tilda are our Alpha and Omega Prime, respectively, and Arden is our only female alpha here in the Austin Pack.”

Javi reaches a hand out to shake. Arden just eyes him, refusing to shake his hand—but she’s always a little standoffish.

“She’s like that,” I whisper. “Don’t mind it.”

He nods. “Gotcha.”

After introductions are done, we all sit down and dig into the remaining pancakes at the table. Will joins us as we chat, pulling up a chair next to Arden. It feels like getting back to normal—sitting in the Visitors’ Center with my friends, eating breakfast while birds sing outside. Javi and Boyd talk quietly while I catch Reyes and Tilda up on everything that’s happened, Arden listening in silence.

“And I understand we have another little wolf joining the pack?” Tilda says, her brows raising.

“Wow,” Javi mutters. “Word travels fast around here.”

“It’s a small community,” I smile, and Reyes laughs.