Page 49 of The Baby Claim

“That was incredibly thoughtful and romantic of him.”

“I remember my parents being very in love. To be clear, she didn’t grow up in an igloo.” He chuckled. “She was the daughter of teachers, and was a teacher herself. She valued our education. My siblings and I joked we were homeschooled and went to public school.” Pivoting on the couch, he faced her, the flickers of the fire enlivening his dark features.

“I remember when she died. The community was rocked by her death and your sister’s. We all saw your father’s grief.” Glenna’s lips formed a tight smile, and her heart was heavy with an acknowledgment of his suffering.

“You were at the funeral?” Silence fell for a moment, and even in the muted light, Glenna noted the lump is his throat. He swallowed hard, shaking his head. “I don’t remember that day.”

Her fingertips found his muscled arm. “We were there. My whole family.”

“Thank you. I know your parents were considered a great romance, as well.” He opened his hand and she slid her palm into his. Warmth and serenity seemed to emanate from him.

“I guess we both imagined our parents would stay single forever.”

“The way you plan to stay single.”

She avoided his searching gaze by looking toward the fire. “Work and family fill my life.”

“Yet you are prepared to parent Fleur.” He angled forward, examining their hands. He brought her knuckles to his lips, planted a soft kiss on them. Butterflies tickled her spine. He pressed on after a pause. “You have to realize that no matter whose child Fleur turns out to be, she’s another symbol that our families need to unite.”

“I want to raise her, regardless. You have to know that.” She squeezed his hand before dropping it, coiling back into herself.

An exasperated sigh pushed out of his mouth with a hissing sound. “Then let me help you. You can be her mother no matter the outcome. We can parent her together.”

He sounded so urgent. Yes, Glenna’s past had made it difficult to trust, making it nearly impossible to believe his motives were pure. “Are you actually using that innocent baby to get me to give up my job with the company so you have a clear shot at CFO for the combined corporation?”

“No,” he said, almost too emphatically. “Of course not. I’m just tossing options out there for us to discuss.”

Ah, right. Options.

Which meant changes for her.

She shot up, headed back to the counter and the abandoned tiramisu. She shoveled a bite into her mouth, a poor substitute for all the things she hungered for in life right now. “Why don’t you spell out these ‘options’ a little more clearly.”

“You can consult, be the epitome of the working mom, have it all.”

Ah, there it was. The catch. Disappointment filled her, over a hope she’d only just begun to embrace. “Why is this job so important to you?”

“Why is it important to you?” He matched her fiery tone with his own.

“It’s my family’s business. My legacy.” Her work identity and her role in the family were integral to her self-concept, providing a rock to build on after her husband’s cheating and then, later, his death. “There’s your answer. Why should it be any different for a man than a woman?”

“How long have you been working for the company?”

“Are you going to dare say that because I’m a woman and was trying to start a family I care less somehow? Because if you go down that path…” Pacing restlessly, Glenna became mercury rising, fury mounting as her voice rose an octave.

He held up a hand, his eyes brokering for peace. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Are you sure? Because I’m not. If you find out you’re Fleur’s father, will you cut down your hours to work part-time?” She read his face, then her brows rose in bittersweet victory. “I thought not.”

He began to speak, but stopped, his gaze pushing past her, above her. Growing…softer as he focused on the skylight. Following his glance, she found herself settled by the bit of northern lights visible. Blues, purples and pinks streaking across the sky in a shimmering nimbus. For a moment, the fight left the room. Or at least went on pause.

She nibbled her bottom lip. “I never get tired of seeing this.”

“Me, either. My sister says this is why it’s so important we’re careful about the pipeline.” Alaska’s unearthly beauty never grew old for him.

“She’s right. Our state, this place, is a treasure to protect. The Dakotas, too.” Glenna couldn’t keep the regret from her voice as she asked, “How can we have so much in common and be so far apart at the same time?”