Page 3 of Mafia Saint

“What? Why?”

“Because someone hired Terry to take you, and until we work out who, we need to stay out of sight.”

“Hang on, back up. How did you even find me? Did you see the note at the cabin?”

“I knew you wrote it under duress.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“I know you, Mila. You wouldn’t shoot Mrs. Aldova and steal my money. It’s not your style.”

“You don’t know me that well.”

“I know you well enough. Found you, didn’t I?”

“How did you do that?”

“Got a guy who can track phones. He got hold of Terry’s. Within a couple of miles of the cabin, moving west. All I had to do was get ahead of him and then I saw this van waiting. Listened to the call the driver made.

“He was waiting for you. I could have interrogated him but then Terry might not have made the handover so I thought best to get you back before I work out who’s behind all this.”

“Any ideas?”

I take her hand in mine. “Let’s walk and talk. Someone might drive past, better not to be at the scene.”

“Where are we going?”

“I’ve got a car around the corner.”


“Swapped it. This one’s registered to a man who doesn’t exist. We are officially off the radar now.”

We walk along the treeline, heading for the track where I hid the car out of sight. While we walk, I listen to her telling me what happened since I last saw her.

When she’s done, she asks again who I think might be behind it. “I don’t know for sure,” I reply. “The most likely options are Diego Garcia or your father.”

“Who’s Diego Garcia?”

“Head of the Cartel we deal with.”

“Why would he want to kidnap me?”

“To force me to hand over part of my empire to him. Hold you to ransom.”

She’s silent for a moment. “You really think it might have been my father?” she asks eventually.

“I doubt it but he could be working with Diego. That’s the most likely scenario. Until I find out for sure, I’m keeping you safe.” He puts his hand on my stomach. “You’ve got something very important growing inside you.”

She smiles coldly. “So it’s not about me, it’s about you getting an heir?”

We’ve reached my car. I pull the branches away that kept it from view, glancing across at her as I work. “Believe what you want.”

“I will.”

I open her door. “Get in.”

“Giving me orders already.”