Page 27 of Mafia Saint

“Please,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Don’t do this.”

He nods toward the doctor who comes toward me holding pills in one hand and the whisky bottle in the other. “Do it,” my father says. “Easy way or the hard way. That’s the only choice you’ve got here.”

“Fuck that,” I say. I reach for the pills. His eyes follow them, not seeing me twisting the whisky bottle with my other hand.

I swing the bottle through the air and it slams into the doctor’s cheek, shattering and coating him in booze.

He shrieks as the glass cuts deep into his face. I turn with the jagged splinters, lunging for my father.

He’s already whipping out a gun, pointing it my way. I jump to the right, jabbing at him with the broken bottle. I catch him arm and the gun fires, the doctor dropping dead to the floor.

“You stupid bitch,” he says. “He’s the best damned doctor we have.” He jumps at me and I step aside at the last second. He trips, falling over the doctor, the gun going off again.

When he stands up, there’s red wetness in his hands. He’s holding them over his stomach.

“I shot,” he says, his face turning white. His eyes darken and he roars as he runs at me. I sprint for the door and then remember the two men out there.

I swerve around the metal table, my father still running at me. He staggers as I stop. There’s nothing behind me but the window. I’ve nowhere left to run.

“Got you now,” he says, reaching his hands out for me. “Stay where you are.”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do,” I reply, grabbing him by the shoulders and yanking him off his feet. I don’t know where my strength comes from but I toss him to one side.

He tries to right himself but he stumbles, his hands catching on the windowsill. As he tries to right himself his hands, still wet with blood, slip and gravity tips him over the edge.

The glass shatters and he falls through, one hand reaching out to me. “Help,” he says as he goes but I do nothing.

A second later he’s gone from sight, screaming as he falls before the scream cuts off like a switch has been flicked.

I look out the window in time to see him impaled on one of the railings far below. I grimace at the sight and then I gasp as I hear gunshots out in the corridor. Are my father’s men coming to finish me off?

The door bursts open, crashing on the hinges. I hold up the broken bottle but it’s not the goons. It’s Alexsei.

He has a smoking pistol in his hand. He looks from me to the doctor to the window. “Are you all right?” he asks, tossing the gun aside.

I give him a weak smile. “I’ve had better days.”

“What happened?”

More gunshots outside. I look out of the window and see Alexsei’s men sweeping across the lawn, more men than I can count. The last of my father’s guards are being shot down where they stand.

I turn back and Alexsei is right in front of me. He looks out the window and sees my father. “Did you do that?” he asks.

“He did it to himself.”

I’m swept into Alexsei’s arms. “I was stupid,” he says. “I sent you away to encourage your father to take you but I’ve regretted it from the moment you left my sight. Can you forgive me?”

“You used me as bait?”

“I knew your father would offer to exchange you for me. I needed an excuse to kill him without provoking war and him taking my wife was a legitimate reason.”

“Wow.” I push him away from me. “You acted like this coldhearted asshole just to get revenge on my dad?”

“I did.”

“Wait, so you aren’t a coldhearted asshole?”

No, I am. But I’m also in love with you.”