Page 17 of Mafia Saint

At least it’s deliberate this time. He wants to antagonize my father into making a move. We’re sitting eating spaghetti while the waiters whisper to each other over by the kitchen door.

At some point my father is going to hear about this. About Alexsei taking over, killing Diego without giving it a secondthought.

Everyone thought Alexsei was dead. He’s making a real show of himself in public, making sure everyone knows he’s still around.

Word is already rippling out across the city. Diego’s people keep calling, verbally prostrating themselves at the foot of the new king.

We’re the only people in here, Alexsei paid the other diners to leave. Minimizing the risk of collateral damage, as he put it.

So, I eat my spaghetti, surprised by just how hungry I am. “You going to finish that?” I ask as he pushes his plate away.

“Be my guest,” he replies as I slide it my way.

“Why am I so hungry?” I ask. “I feel like I haven’t eaten for weeks.”

“You killed a man. The first time always gives you an appetite.”


“You are truly one of the Volkov family now. My wife killed the head of the Garcia cartel. You will be feared by all. I am proud of you.”

I manage a smile. “I think that’s the first time anyone’s ever been proud of me.”

He glances over my shoulder. “Things are going to happen soon,” he says, taking a sip of his mineral water. “Your father will attempt to kill me.”

“He might not. You’re my husband. He will respect that, won’t he?”

“He thinks you were forced into this marriage, that you would do anything to get out of it. He will not believe you killed Diego. He will think it a rumor I am putting about.”

“But why would you do that?”

“A man like your father, he will not care for my reasons, only for his beliefs. He wants me dead. It is entirely possible he set all this up to see who survived out of me and Diego. That way he only has to take on one of us, not both. It was a clever move on his part. I underestimated the old man.”

“What are you going to do?”

“He will have heard by now that we are here. He will see it as a provocation. I have no doubt he will mount an attack on my home, same as five years ago. Only things are very different this time around.”

“How so?”

“More secure, for a start. I am ready for his men. He has received a message from Igor, telling him the defenses are weak. He has no idea I am sending him the messages.”

“What will you do when they come to the house?”

“Kill them all.”

I want to tell him that murder is wrong but how can I say that, after what I’ve just done? Diego’s dead because of me. I took out the man who had me kidnapped, only to find out he was working for my father.

I scrape my plate clean, wiping my mouth with my napkin. “What happens after the attack?”

“I kill your father.”

I set my fork and spoon down. “Oh,” I say quietly.

“I thought you’d protest.”

“So did I. Guess we were both wrong.”

“There’s no other way.”