“No, but you could view the tapes, tell the agency your preference.”

Just the thought of spending hours watching videos of boring British women telling me their beliefs in disciplining a child makes me want to vomit. They’ll go by my rules in the end.

“I trust you to make the best decision for Theo.”

We share a smile, and she says, “All right. I’ll take care of it. But don’t come bitching to me if Mrs. Doubtfire shows up on your doorstep.”

I chuckle. “You have my word. But could we go a little easier on the eyes?”

She lets her head flop back on the couch. “Do not sleep with the nanny, Brady.” One eye opens and glares at me.

“Relax. Everything will be fine. You’ll see. You’ll come back and everything will be just like it was.”

She exhales a huge breath. “I sure hope so.”

I’ll live with a nanny as long as she understands it’s Theo she’s watching, not me.



“Cheers.” Amara clinks her wineglass to mine. “Spill it. Which high-profile client’s brat are you babysitting?”

I chuckle and take a sip of wine just to torture her a little longer. “You know I can’t tell you much.”

Amara and I met as freshmen at Stanford and continued on to law school with each other. Only she graduated and now works as a lawyer in a family law firm that represents high-end clients in the city. So she understands the confidentiality clauses in my job.

She waves me off, leans back, and sips her wine. “I’ll take what you’ll give me. We could play a game of twenty questions and see if I guess right?” Her brilliant blue eyes light up with mischief.

I shake my head.

She dragged me out to celebrate that I got hired as a nanny for a very high profile and important family. I don’t even know who I’m working for yet and won’t until my NDA is signed right before my first day. But accepting the job puts me that much closer to having enough money for a decent down payment on a small condo—allowing me to escape the confines of my parents’ house in Santa Clara.

No twenty-eight-year-old wants to live with her parents, especially parents who have no problem pointing out all the ways you’ve failed them as a daughter after they up and left everything to move from South Korea to the United States to give you and your brother a better life. Their daily guilt trip.

“Did you get a signing bonus for this one?” She tucks a piece of her chin-length dark hair behind her ear.

“You’re the only person who would ask me that.” I chuckle.

Amara shrugs. “Gotta ask for what you want. Worst that happens, you’ll tell me no.”


Her eyes widen.

“I did, but it’s going right into my down payment account.” I point at her in warning. Last time, she would not accept the word no when trying to convince me we both needed a long vacation with white sand and blue water that came with daiquiris and a lot of half-naked men.

“How are Hae Won and Him Chan doing these days?” She hovers her wineglass in front of her bright-red-lipsticked lips.

Amara always refers to my parents by their Korean names rather than the American ones they took when they moved to the US, Lilly and Grant.

“Oh, you know, lamenting their daughter’s life choices while bestowing praise upon their son. One who can do no wrong.”

I love my brother, but the way he’s regarded in our family just because he popped out with a dick is ridiculous. The fact that he of course became a doctor further makes my life a living hell. I don’t even think he likes being a doctor, but my parents do and brag about him to all their friends.

“They’ll never forgive you for dropping out of law school.” She takes a grape from the charcuterie board we ordered and pops it in her mouth.

“Not in this lifetime. My mom told me it was the biggest disappointment of her life.” I raise my wineglass. “Here’s to sucking as a daughter.” I down a big gulp.