The thing is this Sarah King, a woman with striking long reddish tinted, dirty blonde, light brown hair, looked at me on her arrival like she wanted to eat me. The look went straight to my dick. Sure she might have given the other guys an appreciative look, but she’d returned to me and . . .


Not a peep of interest since, and that was a handful of months ago.

I will say on my behalf, I’ve been busy. In and out of town, however, whenever I’ve seen her, she’s breezed past me or gone the other way.

I don’t get it.

It's like she’s avoiding me anytime we come near each other.

I also don’t get why I get the sense of there being something vaguely familiar about her, like she’s pulling at a thread buried deep in my subconscious.

“No, that’s great,” Lawson says, folding his arms and scowling at me. Like he’s not a man who’s happier than a bug in June. “Glad you’re paying attention since I told the aliens they can have you for their first meal.”

“Yeah, okay, look—” I stop. What the fuck was that? I tap a hand on my desk. “You might not have had my full attention there. What were you saying?”

His scowl deepens. “Ya know, I’m thinkin’ you need a woman.”

“I have women. A whole world full of them. Ready, willing, and more than able to do as I please upon a single call.”

“Woman. Singular. A man can’t exist by fucking around forever.”

“Pretty damn sure he can.”

“I bet Dakota could get you a date.”

What’s gotten into my friend? He knows I’m not the settling-down type. Then again, neither was he until Dakota and her spunk waltzed into town.

Now, it’s my turn to scowl. I get up from my desk and grab a law book from my shelves. I don’t need it. I just want to look busy, so I can kick him out.

I dump it on my desk and shoot him a glare. “I don’t need a charity date.”

“Maybe you do. You’re all distracted—”

“You’re the pussy-whipped one who might need help, you know, with the way you’ve been trying on balls and chains for size so you can find just the right one for your impending marriage to Dakota.”

He laughs and drops his hands to his hips. “Oh, funny.”

What’s funny in a not laughing way is Dakota’s bestie, sexy as fuck Sarah. Normally, I’d have fucked her by now and she wouldn’t even be a thought in my head. You know, if I wanted to do that, of course. I might not. Maybe if I talked to her, I’d be bored, and anyway, she’s just another woman in this town. Nothing special.

I clear my throat, aware Lawson’s staring at me. “Shouldn’t you be out there arresting someone? I hear old Joe Pickens was driving his tractor drunk on moonshine again.”

“I’m not arresting a man for driving drunk on his own property.”

“He drove it into town,” I say.

He snorts. “Do you want to know what I was saying?”

“Yeah.” I sit again, and he comes up, throwing himself in the chair opposite my desk.

My computer pings with a new email, and suddenly, I’ve a good idea why he’s here.

“Let me guess,” I say. “Something about Alpine Energy?”

He frowns and leans forward. “Dakota . . . yeah. Actually, it’s been real quiet after her bitch mother, fuckhead ex, skanked-up stepsister, and lily-livered stepfather—”

“That’s a whole lot of adjectives there my friend.” I smirk knowingly. I was there when they all showed up and witnessed the sight of them all myself.