Page 82 of The Long Game

“Yeah. She’s one of the lawyers who specializes in family and custody issues that Rupert and Callum recommended.”

“Good,” Jack said with a smile. “She’s awesome.”

“Of course you know her,” Grady murmured as he pressed a sweet kiss to Jack’s lips for no other reason—as far as Jack could tell—than he wanted to. Jack closed his eyes and focused on how nice it was, and not how weird. Because it was definitely the former and maybe only the latter because Jack had never done anything like this.

Grady pulled back and Jack became aware of the silence in the room.

“Holy shit, did you two finally pull your heads out of your butts?” Colton asked.

Jack sent him a quelling look. “Our heads were not in our butts.”

“You’re actually going to argue that? Because I’ve got receipts.”

Jack scoffed. “You do not.”

Even Grady looked at Jack, incredulous, before giving Colton the stink-eye. “Jack and I are dating now. It’s very new.”

“Likewe haven’t even had time to shower yetnew,” Jack added, feeling vengeful.

Colton’s eyes went as wide as saucers. “No! You—he just—ewwww.”

“Who wants breakfast?” Grady asked loudly.

It was an effective distraction. Both boys fell on their bagels like they hadn’t seen food in weeks, and Colton actually squealed when he took his first sip of his blueberry caffeine sugar bomb.

Jack made a mental note to make Colton an appointment with a dentist.

Then he made another mental note to research good doctors for Sam in the area, as he assumed Sam might want to see someone with specialized knowledge and definitely needed someone who wasn’t a judgmental asshole.

Then he made a mental note to learn a hell of a lot more about the needs of a young transitioning transgender person in general.

Then he gave up, took out his phone, and started writing his to-do list down because there was alot.

“What are you doing?” Grady asked suspiciously.

“Just writing down some ideas.”

“You’re smiling at your phone.”

Jack took a page out of Grady’s book and leaned in to give him a quick kiss. “I’m a project manager. To-do lists make me happy.”

Grady waggled his eyebrows. “How happy?”

The conversation on the other side of the island stopped.

“Oh god, this might beworse,” Colton said, voice full of awe.

“What?” Sam asked.

“This.Them. Before they were dating and didn’t know it, and they were sweet and held hands all the time, like that was a totally normal thing for grown men who aren’t dating to do.”

“Hey now,” Grady said defensively, though his lips twitched, fighting a smile.

“Butnow,” Colton went on, completely ignoring his cousin, “they’re actually acknowledging they’re together and it’s going to be so gross. They’re all mushy and stuff.” Colton’s eyes went even wider in horror. “Oh my god, we’re going to be living here for thehoneymoon phase.”

Grady started laughing while Jack shook his head and wished he didn’t blush so fucking easily.

After breakfast, they helped Sam unload his car, which was stuffed to the gills with the contents of his rented room in Edmonton. He’d left behind his few pieces of furniture, so his worldly possessions amounted to the volume of a back seat and small trunk.