“Notstrictlytrue?” Jack asked.
“Well, I’ve kind of made it a habit to…uh…mostly find my entertainments while I’m out of town.”
Jack huffed a laugh. “Entertainments?” Then he tried to recall the last time Grady went away. “Wait. Are you telling me you’ve been hooking up at work seminars?”
Grady’s face went full scarlet.
Jack cracked up. “Oh my god, so theyweretraining you to be a Mountie.”
A snort of laughter escaped Grady before he pinned a scowl on his face. “There will be no Mountie jokes.”
“That is never going to be a rule,” Jack decided.
“And I’m more of a mounter, just FYI,” Grady added.
Jack’s cock twitched. “Is that so?”
“Yes. Though I can also be versatile, when called upon.” He said it so primly, Jack couldn’t help but snort with laughter again.
“That’s interesting,” Jack said, kissing Grady again. “But rest assured, while I know you love your job, I’m quite happy to be the Mountie in certain circumstances.”
Grady flexed his fingers, digging into the meat of Jack’s ass, and slid his leg back between Jack’s thighs. Jack groaned and pushed against it, his balls aching.
“Fuck,” Grady grumbled, pausing to kiss Jack again and again, “now I’m picturing you in my red serge coat, bent over the bed and—”
Jack cut off Grady’s words with his mouth, the image too hot for his already melting brain, but he gasped “yes” between kisses.
Grady groaned. “I swear to god, they’d take my fucking badge just for having this conversation.”
Jack laughed into their kiss. “Let’s worry about that later,” he murmured. “Right now, I have more pressing concerns.” He demonstrated what he meant with another roll of his hips.
Grady hummed in agreement. “Anything I can do to help?”
“God, please,” Jack groaned, fully prepared to beg.
Grady could jokeall he wanted about having moves, but having Jack in his arms was so overwhelming he was almost completely useless. He kissed Jack again just because he could, and wondered if it would ever feel anything less than miraculous. Jack’s firm lips and helpless noises were the stuff of dreams and fantasies, and he would happily sip those noises from Jack’s lips for hours.
But Jack wanted more. He wasaskingfor more. And that mattered more than anything else to Grady. Not that this would be an entirely altruistic effort, of course. Grady was so fucking hard he was worried something might break.
He nestled his lips back behind Jack’s ear, loving how it made Jack go weak, and drew the soft skin between his lips with a series of little sucks. Jack groaned and gasped and worked his hips in closer to Grady, practically suspending himself on Grady’s thigh while Grady drowned in the scent of Jack’s skin. He recognized hints of lemon and lavender and realized it was because Jack showered there that morning.
Jack smelled likehim.
He ran the tip of his nose along the shell of Jack’s ear and inhaled deeply.
“What do you want?” he murmured.
“Can I touch you?” The hand clamped around Jack’s ass meant the question was a little late, but it was still better to ask.
Jack nodded, his grip tight on Grady’s shoulder and in his hair. Grady wasn’t certain he’d escape this day without a bald spot and that wasfine.
“Where?” he asked, curious to hear what Jack would say. Grady wanted to know Jack’s preferences, his desires, his needs, but he also needed to understand what Jack was comfortable with.
Jack shook his head.
“Tell me.”