Page 113 of The Long Game

When Jack was nothing but a limp noodle on the bed, Grady hauled him into his arms. Their underwear was lost somewherein the sheets at their feet and Jack couldn’t be bothered to search for it.

“I need a new place to live,” Grady muttered.

Jack sighed contentedly, eyes closed, his head resting on Grady’s shoulder. “We have an appointment to see the downstairs apartment tomorrow.”

“We do?”

Jack smiled. “I know the owners.”

Grady pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Of course you do.”

He didn’t bother to tell Grady he knew them, too.


Summer Sunday mornings were supposed to be lazy, but Jack figured it would be a while before they saw a weekend like that again. While Grady didn’t have to be at work until later, Sam had to be up at the crack of dawn to get to his first day at the Dipsy Doodle Dangle Café.

It was early, Jack was tired, and Sam was suddenly unable to decide what to wear. Jack tried to help, but he was stymied when Sam admitted hehadto wear the blue polo shirt with the DDD logo on it, so it was just a matter of choosing between khakis and jeans.

When Jack suggested khakis might make Sam feel more professional, Sam decided he didn’t want his new coworkers to think he was a douchebag who was trying too hard and chose the jeans.

Jack sent Grady a long, bland look. Grady coughed to hide his laughter.

Jack expected Colton to curl up and go back to sleep as soon as Sam ran out the door, but he was folding and storing his bedding for the day.

Grady gazed wistfully at their bedroom, then sighed. “Shall we go to the Dipsy Doodle in solidarity?”

“Or will that seem like we’re trying too hard?” Jack wondered.

Grady didn’t disguise his laughter this time.

Colton bounced on his toes. “Oooh! I want to try some of the new coffees Sam knows. I need to shower first. Is it safe to go into the bedroom?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know what you two got up to last night, but at one point it sounded like someone stepped on a cat.”

Jack’s face was on fire, but he glared at Colton. “It’s perfectly safe to use the bathroom.”

“Okay, Daddy,” Colton said in a singsong voice as he darted away, dodging the couch cushion Jack hurled after him.

Grady shook his head. “What the hell does he think we were doing?”

“I’m sure I don’t want to know.”

“Especially because it might not be too far from the truth,” Grady whispered against Jack’s ear as he pulled him into his arms.

“I don’t sound like an angry cat when I come,” he muttered petulantly.

Grady shook with laughter, but he was smart enough not to comment.

Since they had time until the café opened, they were in no rush to get ready. Grady got dressed for work, figuring he’d go straight from breakfast and check for updates on Hannah before his shift started.

Sam rolled his eyes when they came through the door, but Jack could tell he was pleased to see them. He also made Colton a frozen concoction that Colton was so passionately groaning over Jack was glad the café was mostly empty.

Grady stretched his long legs under the table and tangled his feet with Jack’s. Footsie was definitely a new experience, but Jack liked it. He also liked how Grady kissed him on the cheek sweetly before heading to work. He watched Grady walk past the plate glass windows, fully aware of the goofy smile on his face.

It was the perfect start to the day. He and Colton had discussed a possible trip out to see Fiona and her parents in the afternoon since Sam was headed that way, and there was talk about Colton and Christian getting together for a Mario Kart Death Match—whatever the hell that was—so Jack was surprised when Colton announced, “I think we need to go see Maman Chevalier.”