Page 73 of The Long Game

“Fucking hell,” Jack grumbled, biting Grady’s lower lip and tugging on it. “You’ve still got moves, McDonnough.”

Grady laughed into Jack’s mouth. “I’m glad. They’re pretty rusty, though. My apologies in advance.”

Jack leaned back, giving himself a little air as unpleasant realization struck. “What about Sean? I just realized you—”

Grady stopped his words with another kiss. Jack leaned into it, starved for more, even while alarm bells went off in his head because,fuck, Grady was already dating someone.

Grady drew back and Jack told himself to listen and accept, even if it killed him a little.

“Sean is a great guy, but I already told him it wasn’t going to work.” Grady’s smile was almost sad. “It was never going to work.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was trying to get over you.”

“What?” Jack asked.

“The dates. They were nice, but they weren’t…he wasn’t you. He was never going to be you, but I thought I had to try.”

Jack blinked while his heart tripped all over itself. “Well, you don’t have to do that.”

“Date Sean?”

“Get over me.” Jack’s cheeks were hot. He couldn’t believe he’d just said that.

Grady smiled wryly. “It wasn’t working anyway.”

“Oh, well then.” Jack cleared his throat, wishing his stupid face would cool the fuck down. “Good.”

“You’re fucking adorable when you’re embarrassed.”

Jack glared at Grady, but the asshole just laughed. Then he kissed Jack’s hot cheeks sweetly before capturing his mouth again. This kiss was long and languid and had Jack’s cock perking up again.

“So, does this mean we’re…dating?” Grady asked while he dotted kisses here and there on his way to Jack’s other ear.

Damn it, Jack was bad at this shit even when his brains weren’t leaking out his dick. He had zero experience with relationships. “Um…yes?”

He felt another smile against his skin. “Is that a question?”

“I don’t know what it means,” he admitted in a voice that was half groan. How was anyone supposed to talk about this shit while Grady nibbled on their neck?

“For me, it means I’m not going to go on any more dates with Sean or anyone else,” he explained. Jack hummed, letting his head fall back. “And I know you’re not in the habit of dating or hooking up, so…”

Jack started to nod—no easy feat when his neck felt as weak as a baby’s—then stopped and opened his eyes to stare at Grady’s ceiling.

“What do you mean, I don’t hook up?”

“Well, you don’t.”

Jack lifted his head. “Uh…actually, I do. I mean, I have.”

Grady’s eyes narrowed. “With whom?”

Jack grinned at Grady’s glare. “For the sake of discretion and everyone’s safety, I’ll keep the names to myself. And who are you to talk? Other than recently with Sean, you never hook up.”

Grady’s cheeks grew pinker. “Uh…not recently with Sean, in fact. We hadn’t gotten that far. And the rest of that’s notstrictlytrue, either.”

Jack wasnotgoing to be an asshole and feel in any way good about Grady’s apparently chaste dates with Sean. But seriously, how had Sean notflung himself at Grady every chance he got?