Page 120 of The Long Game

“That’s…” Grady began.

“The most French name you’ve ever heard?”

“Or close to it,” Grady agreed with a laugh.

“Like I said,” Jack muttered, “predictable.”

“I like it,” Sam announced. “It’s pretty.”

Jack ruffled Sam’s hair. “Thanks. I happen to like both Grady SamuelandSamuel Grady.”

“Hey! What about me?”

“Colton Michael sounds like a soap opera character,” Jack said.

Colton gasped. Twice. Then deflated. “Yeah, it totally does.”

Sam bumped shoulders with Colton. “I think your name is beautiful.”

“As do I,” Grady said.

Jack winked at Colton. “And it suits you perfectly.”

“Wait.” Colton cocked his head. “Did you just call me a drama queen?”

Sam spun on his heel and left the room, Jack and Grady close behind.


Amazingly, Mike and Alexei said the apartment could be ready in a matter of days, though they suggested waiting a little longer in order to ensure the smell of fresh paint cleared out. When Jack asked about choosing paint colors, Mike and Alexei readily agreed.

Which is how Grady found himself standing before a rainbow display of paint chips and wondering what was wrong with plain old white.

Jack stood at his side. “You really have no thoughts on what colors you want?”

“Whatever you chose is fine,” Grady said.

Jack studied him, bemused, probably wondering why he should get a vote. Grady didn’t have an answer he was brave enough to say out loud. Yet.

Colton ran up, brandishing a paint chip.

Even Grady knew the answer to this one. “We are not painting your room black.”

Colton shot him a dirty look and flounced back to the display of bold colors in the next aisle.

Sam had picked out a sage green chip almost as soon as he’d arrived and was now watching in bemused horror as Colton chose colors.

The next time Colton ran up to them, Grady was braced for hot pink or something, but this time Colton was brandishing his phone rather than a paint chip. “I know we’re supposed to paint test squares in our new rooms tonight, but can Sam and I go to Christian’s instead? He’s invited us over for a Mario Kart Death Match.”

A whole evening alone with Jack?

Yes, please.

“You sure it’s okay with his dads?”

Colton rolled his eyes. “They said it was fine and that Papa Cal is going to make fajitas for dinner.”

“And did you ask Sam what he thinks of this plan?”