Page 35 of The Panel

“You’re mean.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“You knew he worked here? Why bring me.” I swallow, unsure how I feel about all this. I’m not angry with him, but I should be. Simon may have got off easy, but Jay put me in a situation I’d rather have avoided. Seeing Simon was the last thing I ever wanted.

“Because knowing I took you from him and seeing the pain in his eyes makes me hard,” he confesses roughly. “He wants you, but you’re mine.”

“I am. You didn’t just hurt him though, Jay.” His eyes soften a bit. “I hated what you did just now.” Tucking hair behind my ear, I drop my gaze, uncomfortable being watched by those close by.

“Birdie, look at me.” My brow wrinkles, but when he says my name, I stare at him through my lashes. “He’s been looking for you. Now he knows you’re off-limits.”

“And so does the rest of London,” I grumble, lifting the menu to hide my face.

His foot kicks mine, and I lower the menu.


“When you’re angry, we have the best sex. Have I told you that before?”

“I once recall you telling me hate sex is the best,” I quip.

“And do you hate me or are you ready to finally admit your feelings for me?”

My cheeks burn and I dip my gaze, laying the menu down.

“I’m not sure theLword does this justice,” I retort, smoothing out the thick card and tilting my head at him. He’d never say it, anyway.

He smirks.

“In that case, Iloatheyou too.” I bite my lip at his confession. He drops to his haunches again and cups my jaw, kissing me passionately. “I loathe you so fucking much, my Birdie.”

“I loathe you too,” I confess with quiet conviction. And I do love him, from his deep forest green eyes right down to his twisted heart. “Take me home. Not the estate. I want to go to your home.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“Just for tonight?” I whisper, pleading.

“Birdie.” He sighs.

“Think of all the balcony sex.” I bite my lip and lean to run my fingers up his taut thigh. “I heard someone purchased an apartment across the way,” I tease.

“Pulling out the big guns, huh?”

“At least someone is.” I pout. Jay throws his head back, laughing loudly, disrupting the restaurant once again.

The manager reappears, but Jay stands, taking my hand with him.

“We’re leaving,” he delivers coolly, escorting me through the room as those around us murmur and gossip. I dip my head, grateful when he finally leads me outside and into his car. “I hope you’re in a giving mood, Birdie, because I plan to take everything that you are when I get you to the apartment.” He threads our fingers and pulls our joined hands to his mouth, kissing my knuckle. His eyes are a turbulent, stormy seaweed soaked green.

Gasping, I shift in my seat and nod. I would give this man the blood in my veins.

We're a few blocks from his penthouse when Ryan calls him.

“What’s up?”

“Madison Henry was just abducted. They ransomed Barclay.”

“Fuck. What the fuck has he been hiding from us?” Jay growls, flicking a sharp, regretful look at me. I respond to him with a small smile, knowing the penthouse is no longer an option.