Page 25 of The Panel


“Avery, get dressed now. Pack some things.” I rush and pull on any clothes I can find. When I return, my arms full of clothes, he’s already zipping a bag up. He shoves two guns in the holster strap he is wearing and pulls on his suit jacket. He takes my things and shoves them in with his own.

Threading his fingers through mine, he walks us to the main door, taking us down to the garage. I could run now, but I don’t want to. I’ve probably got that fucking syndrome kidnap victims have, but I can’t leave him. I chance a look at the man beside me and the determination on his face settles my fears. All this time, it was his father he was keeping me safe from.Who is The Panel?

“What’s going to happen now?” It’s a loaded question and one that he doesn’t answer.

He reaches into the glove box and pulls out a phone. He dials a number and hits the speakerphone as various voices filter on the line.

“I fucking hate you, Jay,” one says. He doesn’t hate him. His tone is teasing.

“Finally flying the coop?” another voice sniggers. I roll my eyes at the bird reference, and Jamieson squeezes my leg affectionately.

“Your timing is atrocious. I have a gala this evening.”

“Ready to go rogue?” Jamieson asks.

“Didn’t think you’d ever ask.” I recognise that as Seth’s voice.

“Meet you at the safe house,” he instructs.

We drive for a short while until Jay indicates onto a side street and we move through a set of steel gates and down to an underground car park. Several cars are parked up, each with a man leant against the vehicle. I recognise Seth and Ryan, but the other man is someone I feel like I’ve seen, but I know I’ve never met. Where do I know him from?

It’s the first time I’ve not been cuffed whilst outside of Jamieson’s penthouse. I want him to know I trust him. That he can trust me, so I stay put as he gets out. This is all moving at breakneck speed, but I don't want to stop it and now that I know just who he has been protecting me from, I know I need to protect him, too. I didn’t protect Jeff the way I should have. This time, I will do it right. My door clicks open and I look up at Jamieson. He holds out his hand and I take it, giving the other men an uncertain look as I stand. He cups my jaw and presses a kiss to my mouth.

“Do you trust me to keep you safe, Birdie?”

I nod and he takes my hand, walking me over to the men he called his brothers.

“Barclay, lead the way.” Barclay? Barclay Crawford as in the politician? I frown, but try to disguise my curiosity.

He has politicians and law enforcement in his pockets. It's the only way he could have taken me from the station without any repercussions.

We all pile into an elevator but rather than going up, it descends. I grip Jamieson’s hand and find the other men staring at me.

“You’ll be safe here. I’ve got to work. Will you be okay?”

“Yep.” I'd rather stay with him, but I don't voice it. I feel silly, whining, when I know he has set the wheels in motion to make waves with his father.

The doors swish open, and a clinical bunker opens up before us. It’s furnished with light and crisp colours, complete with a kitchen, dining table, and large living space. I keep my hand in his as he walks me to a door on the far side and opens it up, flicking the switch.

“This is my room.” I peek my head inside before Jamieson drops his face down to mine, distracting me. “You can relax out here or stay in my room. We’ll be in the office. You need a code to leave,” he informs me, searching my gaze.

“I wasn’t planning on leaving,” I whisper, finally admitting to him that I don't want to go anywhere, unless he’s going to be at the other end of that destination.

Fuck. I’m falling for this man when I should be running a mile in the other direction.

A light but noticeable smirk lifts the corner of his mouth.

“Good to know.” I can’t help my own expression from mirroring his. “Let me sort this shit out with the boys and then I’m yours for the rest of the night.” His hand squeezes my arse and I bite my lip.

“Good to know.” I suck in a breath before I quickly press up onto my toes and peck his mouth before disappearing into his room, aware we are being watched.

“Behave, Birdie,” he rumbles.

* * *

I must have nodded off,but the stream of light and the tall man slipping into the room wake me up. Rubbing my eyes, I try to focus.