Page 29 of The Panel

“You’re looking at your future home,” I enlighten her. I’ve never appreciated its grandeur, but seeing it through her eyes has a different kind of appeal.

Her face snaps my way.

“Here?” she splutters. “Doesn't your family live here, though?”

“My parents do. It's my heritage. With my father gone, the estate is mine.” This isn’t exactly how I wished for her to meet my mother.

“Gone?” Realisation dawns, and her skin turns ashen.

“I betrayed him. Even if I follow every other protocol, he will want to destroy you to prove a point. His time is up. I’m not sorry about that, so don’t you be.” My voice is stern, but her eyes are staring at the limo floor.

“Your family will hate me.” She gulps.

“My mother hates him. It is inevitable. You just sped up the process.”

“Yeah, don't let it rustle your feathers.” Ryan snorts.

Avery rolls her eyes and grins into my chest as I chuckle.

“Stay close to Seth,” I instruct as Rubin pulls up and a few of my father’s men move to flank the front door. Seth snorts at the mindless meatheads. Our disappearance these last few days hasn’t gone unnoticed. My father has taken minimal precautions. However, I don't think he ever believed I would retaliate as I’m about to. He underestimated me. Seth is staring at a device in his hand.

“Sniper top right window. Fifteen guards inside, four out front.”

“Where is he?” I growl.

“They’re all in the drawing room.”

“Piece of piss.” Barclay shrugs. He begins to laugh and we all join in finding it comical that they think twenty men could stop us. They created four monsters and unleashed them into the world. I bet he never predicted that those monsters would turn on him.

“How is this funny?” Avery garbles.

“Because they just made this easy for us.” I shake my head at my father’s stupidity and flick a serious look to my brothers. “Ryan.” I smirk, voicing what all of us are thinking. He will take the sniper out. He peers through the blacked-out window and lifts his own weapon, looking through the scope.

“Shift to the middle,” Ryan murmurs, his face still focused on his victim. I follow his instruction and Avery slides onto my lap, her heart racing crazily through her vest.

“Calm down, Birdie,” I whisper in her ear. She nods, gripping my hand tightly. “Things will get a little tense, but you stay put in the limo with Seth,” I remind her, lifting her to sit beside him on the seat. Her eyes go wide, and I drop a kiss on her dry lips to reassure her.

Ryan moves with us, setting up position at another window.

“Rubin, on my say, drop the front left window and leave it a second before opening the rear left.”

“Sure thing,” Rubin responds as he, Barclay, and I get ready to exit the vehicle.

“Lower them,” Ryan growls, aiming at the sniper through the glass. As the front window opens, I catch sight of the sniper in the upstairs window. With his gaze focused and aimed on the front window, he doesn’t see the gun pointing at him from the back until it’s too late.

Avery yelps when Ryan fires twice, and the sniper drops out of sight.

“He’s down,” Seth confirms. We pile out the car, shooting as Seth snaps instructions into our ears. Alerting us to more guards coming our way and their positions. I zone out Avery’s heavy breathing through my earpiece and the bullets flying through the air.

“Far landing, Jay,” Seth states. I step over a guard with my gun aimed high, ready to take out another guard hiding upstairs. As soon as he slips from behind the column, I fire and he drops over the banister, hitting the marble floor with a crunch. It’s like shooting a bunch of kids. I wonder if this is some kind of ploy. It’s too easy, but Seth would see an ambush on the heat radar. Parker Judd steps out into the foyer, his arm in a sling and a gun held in his free hand. I sneer. I’m in no doubt that he was the rat who ran to my father about Avery.

“HE’S MINE!” I roar when Barclay raises his gun to shoot him. A bullet whips past me as Parker tries to take advantage of the moment. He always was a lousy shot. I grin and shoot once. He chokes as the bullet sails through his throat, and drops his gun to clutch at the gaping hole, blood seeping through his fingers. “I told you she wasn’t your concern. You never fucking listen.”

The next bullet has his head snapping back, and he drops to the ground with a thud.

Piece of shit.

Only once I know every threat has been eliminated and my brothers have secured the property do I go back for Avery. Seth helps her from the car and I see his fingers are white in her grip. He mouths “fuck”at the discomfort she’s causing by cutting off his blood supply.