Page 48 of The Mistake

I leaned forward. “Because I’m asking you and because you fully know what I’m capable of, and she doesn’t. You know I don’t threaten people lightly and you know we wouldn’t want to upset a pregnant woman, right?”

Ethan shook his head. “Whatever her plans are—don’t worry, your parents won’t know about it and I will not do anything to claim her or the child.”

It should have been enough to satisfy my curiosity, but it wasn’t. I wanted to know everything.

“This is all you will give me?” I asked, trying to hide my irritation.

“It’s all that matters to you, isn’t it?”

It should, it ought to be, and yet…

“She said she had a doctor's appointment this morning. Was that true?”

Ethan looked at me silently, not confirming anything but stroking his hand over the pad that was hiding the sonogram photo.

Who would have thought that my brother’s ball would finally descend? Too bad it was at the most inconvenient moment for me. I’d have to crush them.

I nodded, standing up. “Very well. I’ll get my information somewhere else, but I won't forget this act of rebellion.” I gave him the most sadistic smile I could muster. “You think you’ve seen the worst of me? Oh, little brother, you have not seen anything yet, but you will.”

“Can I ask you a question?” he asked just as I reached the door.

I shrugged, only turning halfway toward him. “You can, it doesn’t mean I will answer.”

At that moment, his annoying receptionist beeped him to announce the arrival of the next patient but Ethan asked her to make him wait.

I turned to him now, intrigued both by his tone and the delay of his patient. That was out of character.

“You don’t want her or the child, right?”

I kept my eyes locked with him in a silent invitation for him to continue.

“And you said it yourself, our father will never see me as your equal no matter what I do. He already gave you everything that matters.”

“What are you getting at with that?” I asked a little defensively. He made me sound like a petty asshole.

Maybe because that’s exactly what you are.

“Why are you so opposed to me claiming them as mine? It’s not like our father will suddenly care for me.” He shrugged.

“Because I can,” I replied coldly.

The truth was, I didn’t think I could stomach seeing him withher, being the father of a child who wasmine. Even if it was all pretend.

Not seeing her again was one thing; once she was gone from my life, I was confident that I would forget her and the child she carried. This was different.

“She’ll meet someone one day,” he insisted, “and that man will take this place in her life and raise this child.”

“And I couldn’t care less,” I replied with a derisive laugh, despite my stomach clenching.

He nodded. “Okay, then rest assured that I will not claim your child.” He let out a little laugh.

I frowned. “Mind letting me in on the joke?”

“She would not let me anyway. She’s under the misconception that our relationship, or lack thereof, could one day be mended and that taking it this far would destroy it forever.” He laughed again and it grated on my nerves.

“I’m not the only one to blame in all this. That’s the problem with you, Ethan, always playing the victim, Mr. ‘Can-do-no-wrong’.”

He nodded. “You’re right and I should be thanking you instead.” I tried to remain expressionless, but I was too taken aback by his admission.