Page 28 of The Mistake

“You and Hugo…”

She looked up again and I wasn’t sure why she looked so guilty. At the end of the day, she hadn’t done anything wrong—she was not with Ethan, never had been.

“You and Hugo,” he repeated and suddenly his eyes widened as it clicked into place who had put a baby in his fake fiancée. “Oh god, you and Hugo?” His mouth tipped down. “Are you telling me—”

He stopped talking and she nodded “Yes, he—”

“You’re telling me I fantasized about my… brother?” he spat.

I rolled my eyes. Leave it to him to focus on the wrong part of the conversation.

She shook her head a little, clearly surprised as I was. “No, Ethan, you don’t seem to un—”

“Oh God, Ava.” He made a gagging sound. “Youdon’t understand. I had daydreams about Mr. Eight-inches, who made you come so hard you could still feel the orgasm the next day.”

She avoided my eyes, blushing so enticingly that I couldn’t help but lean back on my seat, puffing my chest out a little, proud like a peacock that I’d rocked her world just as thoroughly as she had rocked mine.

“I think I’m more Mr. Eight-and-a-half-inches but…” I waved my hand dismissively. “Carry on.”

She finally threw me an irritated look and I was glad she was finally acknowledging my presence again, even if it was in a negative way.

“Ethan.” She grabbed his face in her hands and brought her face close to his, their noses almost touching. It was clear that my brother was the gayest specimen in the world. No man with any inclination for women, no matter how minimal, could be that close to her without ravaging her mouth with a passionate kiss. “You need to focus now. You can explain all that to your therapist later today.”

“You should pay for it. It’s on you.”

She sighed but kept his face in her hands, her eyes still locked on his. “Ethan, focus—I’m pregnant with your brother’s baby.”

My stomach dropped again as she said the full sentence, the reality of the situation rearing its ugly head. This was a serious inconvenience and despite my ability to resolve problems, this one seemed impossible.

“Yes, and that’s the only positive news!” he added with a grin.

She let go of his face and we both looked at him with matching concern and puzzlement.

“I’m not sure you get it,” I added. How could this whole fucking mess be positive?

“I might not have done Oxford and Princeton but I think I can still function as a human, Hugo.”

Ah, the cold, bitter tone that was reserved only for me was back… What a blessing.

“Ethan, how can any of it be positive?” she asked him gently, resting a hand on her still flat stomach.

“Because we can pass the baby as mine now!” His grin widened, her frown deepened, and I recoiled slightly in my seat. “Ethan, listen—” she started, but he interrupted her with a hand wave.

“No, you don’t understand, it's more than perfect! I would have accepted this child as mine anyway.”

She gave him a small smile and it angered me to see her soften to my brother's insanity.

“The St-John trademark is our strange eye color—not really hazel, not really green but lots of gold! It’s the dominant gene! Any of our kids will have our eyes.” He pointed from him to me, not even having the decency to glance my way.

She looked toward me, locking eyes with me, and despite the slight increase in my heart rate, I kept my eyes cold and unemotional, as if this was just another meeting.

“I hadn’t noticed,” she muttered, more to herself than anyone else.

“Well, to your defense, it wasn’t really my eyes you were staring at,” I taunted derisively, moving a little on my seat to pull her eyes onto my crotch.

I smirked as she blushed furiously and swiped her face toward Ethan again.

Toying with her was almost as enjoyable as fucking her—almost.