Page 21 of The Mistake

He sighed, not asking me to sit down, and I started to fidget.

He rested his elbow on his desk, steepling his fingers. “Ms. Byrnes, I’ve just received an email from HR informing me that you have not yet attended your annual medical visit. You’re theonlyemployee of the Marketing and Communication department to have not done so and this has reflected poorly on me as manager.”

I opened my mouth and closed it again, feeling like a child being told off; based on the sternness of his tone, I really felt like I was getting my father’s ‘I’m not mad, I'm disappointed’ speech.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” he prompted. “The deadline was three days ago. I’m not sure what stopped you.” He frowned. “Unless you have some issues? You know whatever these results may say, they are 100% confidential. Neither me nor the company will have any access to them. These medicals are prompted by our private medical insurance, which I’m sure you are more than glad to benefit from.”

“I know.” I shook my head, reddening under the reprimand. “It’s nothing like that. It’s just—” I stopped as my heart started to beat widely in my chest. Was I getting fired? That would be the last straw.

He let out a weary sigh. “You’ve impressed me during the graduate program, Ms. Byrnes. I was advised against giving the job of Marketing Assistant of one of the biggest NGO’s in the world to someone so young and yet I did it.”

I know who advised him as such; that viper Mrs. Winfield, the same that told me….BITCH.After two years, she was still gunning for me.

“I was told the deadline was extended by two weeks, sir, and that junior members of staff were not a priority.”

“Who told you that?” He waved his hand. “It doesn't matter who spreads that misinformation. You very well know you would have received an official company memo informing you of this change of policy.”

I looked down, blinking back tears. I did fuck up but I’d had too much on my mind with Hugo and Ethan. I should have been smarter. I really should have. Mr. Moore sighed. “I fixed it. I told HR it was my fault and I'd misplaced your appointment.”

I looked up with wide eyes. “You did?”

He sighed again. “Your lack of attention would have reflected on me.”

Ouch. It was not out of the goodness of his heart.

“You’re expected at the medical center at 1:30 today. Don’t be late.”

I looked at my watch and that gave me only a little over thirty minutes to get there, which was not as easy as it would seem at lunchtime in London.

I nodded. “Thank you, sir.” I exited the room, grabbing my bag and jacket before throwing a glare at Mrs. Winfield when I passed her desk.

It would be the last time that old witch got me in trouble.

I ran down the stairs and into the subway station just in time to get on the Piccadilly line as they closed the door.

I guess my luck was finally turning.

I leaned against the wall breathless, ready to enjoy my 8 minutes of rest until my stop.

Are you still up?I texted Ethan.

It’s only 1:30 am here, lovey. I’m out on a hunt. I need to sample the local dishes.

I laughed. I loved that man more than I could say.

You’ve been there three days. I’m sure you’ve sampled plenty.

You know me ;) But I didn’t get an eight-inch sandwich yet. I’m sad—maybe I should sample yours.

I winced as I wondered how he'd feel if he knew that the guy he was having fantasies about was his brother.

I miss you, Ethan.

What’s up babe? Did something happen?

How could that man know me well enough to ask that after just a four-word text?

Today hasn't been the best day.