Page 17 of The Mistake

When Ava had exited the toilet leaving me both horny and angry, I’d called the airfield to get the jet ready. I wanted, no, Ineededto leave now before any resolve I had evaporated and I hunted her around town to fuck her… even if it was in my brother’s bed.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the headrest as the plane sped down the tarmac and I tightened my hand on the armrest as it took off.

I opened my eyes as soon as we cleared and gestured to the attendant who was looking at me intently.

What she wanted was not a secret—to sleep with a rich man in his private plane. She was not the first or the last to want that but she was barking up the wrong tree. I didn’t do that. I was not as stupid or as driven by my cock as the men in my circle were.

Until Ava, avoice mocked me in my head. A voice that sounded aggravatingly like my brother’s.

“How can I help you, sir?”

“Just a Scotch, and make it a double.”

She deflated at my cold tone but I needed to bring her back to earth and rein in her expectations.

She extended the tumbler and I finished it in two big gulps. This drink was not for enjoyment as it usually was—it was simply to take the edge off.

I stood up and moved toward the back where my bedroom and private bathroom were.

“Wake me up an hour prior to landing. I’ve got early meetings.”

“Yes, sir. Do you need anything else?”

“From you? No.” I kept my eyes locked with hers. I guessed my previous rejection had not been as clear as I'd thought.

I removed my jacket and shoes after I locked the door behind me and lay down on the comfy bed. Closing my eyes, I was grateful that the lack of sleep from the last couple of days finally took me. As fucked as I was, the witch Ava occupied my dreams just as much as she occupied my thoughts while awake.

“What’s up with you?”

I sighed before I glanced up from the financial report I’d been reading. “You could knock.”

Ben waved me off, taking the seat across my desk, visibly unfazed. He was a legacy here, and as close a friend as I could have. He was the CFO and also the son of the previous CFO, just as I became the CEO once my own father stepped down four years before.

“What’s got your panties in a twist? Irina refused to put out last night?”

I snorted. “Like she would ever.”

He chuckled. “True, a gold digger knows how to keep her patron satisfied.”

I shook my head. “I landed two hours ago, no time for Irina.” I’d also woken up from the most erotic dream, which involved the only woman I could never touch again, and I ended up jerking off like a fourteen-year-old boy to get rid of the massive boner Ava had caused.

“What’s gotten into you then?”

“Nothing.” I wanted to own my brother’s cheating fiancée. “Why are you even asking that? I’ve been here less than an hour.”

“And yet you’ve already managed to terrify the girl at reception and make my assistant cry.”

I rolled my eyes. “That woman is an idiot and I seriously can’t wait until you stop fucking her so you can hire someone with more than two brain cells.”

“Wow, you really are a dick today.”

I waved my hand dismissively. “I’m busy.” I tapped my forefinger on the spreadsheet. “I need the numbers for the whole quarter.”

“Do you?”

I nodded. Getting lost in my work was the best way for me to leave her behind.

He stood up with a sigh. “Fine, I’ll send you Mike. Give him the list of what you need and I’ll bring it to you.”