Page 61 of The Mistake

I gave him a polite nod and turned back to look at the stage as if I was engrossed by the room, which was true.

“Where did I go wrong?” he asked, visibly noticing that I’d tensed up.

I sighed with relief at not having to answer his question when Duzbeyevo walked on stage and sat on the bench.

As soon as the light dimmed and his fingers touched the keys, his music flew to me. I forgot everything and allowed perfection to wrap me up in the miracle of this man’s gift. I felt my eyes well up with all the emotions I was feeling.

“This is unbelievable,” I said in awe as the intermission started.

“Yes, it is,” he said with a deep voice. As I turned toward him, he was not looking at the stage but directly at me, his light blue eyes darker than they seemed before.

I turned back toward the room, feeling on the edge of tears, not really sure why. I took a deep breath, trying to settle all the deep emotions Duzbeyevo had stirred in me.

“Despite what you may think, I know how privileged I am to experience this tonight.”

I threw him a side look, unsure where he was going with that.

“I was born rich,” he admitted. “But I’ve not been raised as the typical rich boy. My grandfather built himself from the ground up and created our empire, which was then expanded by my father and now me. I know the value of money.”

“I never said you didn’t.”I thought it, though.

He gave me a little smile as if he’d heard my unspoken thoughts. “You are absolutely mesmerizing, Ava, but I would never have invested in anything that would not at least give me a return on investment.”

I felt my cheeks heat up with pleasure at his compliment. “You were not going to invest,” I told him with a knowing look.

He leaned back on his chair and drank some champagne before nodding in confirmation. “True, but it was not because I didn’t think it was viable. St-John’s project has some of the best returns on investment. I know I can expect at least a forty-percent profit.

I calculated quickly.Shit, he was going to make fifty-six millions on this!

“They say I’m a difficult investor, but I’m not. I just give it more thought because I was raised with a respect for money, so I ask all the difficult questions and unless I’m confident that I’ll at least get my money back, I don’t invest at all. I’m not difficult, I’m savvy.”

I turned to him, too curious not to engage. “You just told me St-John had the best investment opportunities and you were still not going to invest. Isn’t that being difficult?”

He grinned. “No, it’s being petty.”

I shook my head with a little laugh.

“St-John and I are part of the same club and—” He waved his hand dismissively. “Let’s not get lost in the details but he is always so quick to remind me of my status and how he’s legacy.” He rolled his eyes.

It was somehow comforting to know that he was a haughty asshole not just to me, but to all the people he considered beneath him… even another billionaire. But it was also clear that James had a personality that could rub people the wrong way.

“I knew I was the main reason for that dinner and having something he wanted.” He threw me a sheepish look that made me laugh. “It got to my head. But let’s not waste any more of this delicious evening talking about Hugo St-John.”

“No, please continue. I love hearing my name.”

I froze as a weight settled low in my stomach and I turned my head slowly, half expecting to have just imagined his voice. No such luck. Hugo was standing there in another perfectly tailored tuxedo; this one dark blue, almost the same shade as my dress.

“I knew it. Talk about the devil and he shall appear,” James muttered and if I wasn’t shocked by Hugo’s presence, I would have laughed.

“Please, Hardings, we both know the devil has nothing on me.” He turned to me and the way his dark eyes detailed my face before moving down to my chest made my breath catch in my throat. “Ava,” he started, his voice sounding more like a purr.

What the hell was he playing at?

“Mr. St-John,” I replied as cordially as I could. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a classical music enthusiast.”

He shrugged. “My family has permanent access to the Golden Box.” He jerked his head to the other side of the room. “I wanted to see what the fuss was all about and I’m pleased to have come to say hello. This dress really suits you. I’m delighted to have bought it for you.”

I gasped in surprise.He did not just say that!