Page 105 of The Mistake

Our story had started unconventionally, in a messed-up order, but it was now exactly how it was supposed to be.

My mistake had been my salvation.



Myphonestartedtoring as soon as the plane stopped on the tarmac.

"Hugo, it’s time." Ethan’s voice was laced with worry.

"What is—" I went pale and froze realizing what Ethan meant.

I shook my head, looking at Ben sitting across from me in the plane. "Talk to me."

"Where were you? I've been trying to call you for the past hour."

"You knew I was in Zurich! It was only a day trip.” I ran my hand through my hair. I knew it was a bad idea. I was not comfortable leaving the country but Ava insisted she’d be fine and Ethan promised to take care of her during their ‘girls-night’. “I just landed. Where are you?"

"Ava is in labor. I took her to the hospital thirty minutes ago."

"But she isn't due for another three weeks. Is she alright?"

"The doctor said she is fine. It is pretty common for the first child to be born before full term. Ava is barely three centimeters dilated. You still have time."

I grimaced, getting off the plane. "I'm not sure what bothers me most – that you know how much my wife is dilated or that you actually know what it means."

"Oh, do keep calm. I had to study the subject of pregnancy. This is my godchild, after all. I need to be on top of my game. I also realized I shouldn't have taken her for Indian food. Apparently, spicy food has a tendency to induce childbirth."

"Ethan," I growled but I couldn't blame my brother. Ava loved spicy food and she probably was the one who persuaded Ethan. It was almost impossible to tell her no.

"I'll be there in 45 minutes, I reckon. Just tell her that I love her."

"Sure, I'll tell her that I love her."

I pinched the bridge of my nose with irritation. "Ethan ..."

"Antagonizing you is always so amusing. I'll tell her – not that she needs to be reminded. Just get here in one piece." He hung up before I had a chance to add anything.

"I'm going to be a father," I said in a sort of daze, as if hearing it would help me understand.

Ben chuckled. "And you only realized that now? It was pretty obvious for the past few months." He shrugged. "But I’m not an expert."

“I can’t be late. He can’t start his life with me missing it. I won’t be this type of father. I can’t be.”

Ben sighed. “You won’t be, I know that for certain. I’ll drop you off at the hospital and finish the papers for you. Take care of your wife, okay? I’m sure she won’t be mad, even if you’re late. Things happened and you were abroad.”

I nodded gratefully, looking out of the window. “I know she won’t be but I am not doing it for her, not really. I am doing it for me. I am 35 years old. I have more money than I know what to do with and this may be my only chance to experience fatherhood. I want to put my family first. I won’t be the work alcoholic who ends up missing first steps, first words, first laughs and first days of school. Birthdays, riding lessons and all these little things that make a childhood worthwhile. I know Ava, she’ll understand – she will always understand and she would never make me feel like I am a bad father but I would always feel like that."

“They are lucky to have you.”

I had to laugh at that. “No Ben, you’re mistaken. I’m the lucky one and I know, no, I pray that one day you find that person too because you may think it’s trivial but once you have it, it all makes sense.

When I arrived at the hospital, Ava was already being attended to by doctors and nurses, and I would be forever grateful to Ethan for keeping her company and holding her hand when I couldn’t.

"Oh, thank god you're here!" Ethan exclaimed as soon as I entered the room. "I'm not sure how much more of this I could take."

"Hugo," Ava let out with a cry of relief, extending her hand toward me.