Page 54 of Prince of Lies

Let the boy do his thing in New York, Muriel, if he’s bound and determined. It’s never gonna go anywhere. He’ll be back home with us soon enough.

Whoa! No kissing. This was just a handjob. I’m not gay, Prince. There’s no future here.

Dear Mr. Prince, Thank you for your interest in Sterling Chase. While we commend you on the thoroughness of your research, we do not feel that your “Project Daisy Chain” merits further development by our company at this time. Sincerely, Austin Purcell.

But this disappointment was worse than anything that had come before because despite my best efforts, sometime in the night, I’d allowed a tiny germ of hope to set down roots in my heart that, just this one time, things would work out. That finding a way to keep Bash in my life would be as easy as falling for him had been.

“Rowe Prince,” I whispered to myself angrily, blinking away hot tears. “Of all the ridiculous things you’ve done this weekend, this might be the worst.”

I got caught up.


When I ran out of stairs to descend, I leaned against the wall in the stairwell and took stock of the situation.

I was a mess. Two days of lies and impersonations, heartfelt confessions, brain-melting longing, heart-pounding sex, zero actual sleep, and way too many feelings had left me completely empty.Stick a fork in me, I’m done, as Daisy used to say.

I had no reserves left for goodbyes that were bound to be awkward (for Sebastian) and painful (for me). I wasn’t up to the task of riding in his car back to New York, trying not to look at his handsome face while forcing cheerful conversation to hide my feelings. And I absolutely couldn’t handle him offering me business contacts out of pity or obligation.

It was better this way. Safer for everyone. Bash would feel guilty when he found that I’d left—he took his responsibilities to people seriously, after all, which was why he’d come to Philly in the first place—but ultimately, I hoped he’d be glad.

Of course, that meant I was now stuck here with nothing but the clothes on my back, seventeen dollars in my pocket, no leads for my project, and no way to get home, which meant that my feelings were the least of my worries.

I ran a hand over my face and straightened, then took out my phone and dialed Joey’s number.

“Rowe!” he exclaimed excitedly. “Thank fuck you called.”

“Hey—” I began.

“Shit, I was getting worried. You went radio silent. And I was like, is he okay? Is he just too busy fucking the rich guy to call me? But also… I havesomuch to tell you, bro. The fast-food delivery game moves pretty fast, and if you don’t keep up, the Sandwich Shark will take you down. Damn sexy motherfucker,” he muttered.

“What? Joey—”

“No, no. It’s cool. It’s fine.” He hesitated. “Mostly. I think. But FYI, I had to add a couple moves to the Burrito Bandito delivery dance. You know, so I could win the dance-off? There’s, like, a hip-shimmy now after the toe-kick and then kind of a bump-and-grind thing? I’ll demonstrate later.”

Dance-off?What the fuck? “Joey.”

“Oh, and I’m playing around with lyrics for a second verse of the song. I just need to figure out something sexy that rhymes with salsa. Falls-ahis as close as I’ve gotten. Like,when you taste our salsa, in love you’re gonna falls-ah.”

“Joey, stop.”

“I know, I know, it’s shit. We can workshop it when you get back. I just wanted you to know—”

“Joey!” I yelled. “Chill for a second. I need your help.”

Joey paused for a beat, and when he spoke again, his voice was serious. “Whatever you need, Rowe. You know that.”

“I need you to come get me,” I blurted. “I’m in Philly. I came here with Bash, and we… I… he…”

Joey blew out a breath. “Bro.”

“No, I know. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But it’s done now.” I sniffed, swearing at myself under my breath.

“Are you okay?” Joey demanded. “’Cause if that fucker laid a hand on you—”

“God, no! I just… I confessed everything. He knows who I am now. And it was kinda time for me to go. But I don’t know if I have enough money to catch the train back, and I haven’t slept, really, and I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep and end up at the wrong stop or something, and…”

“Say no more. Lea let me have the Burrito Mobile for the day so I could go on a supply run. Pretty sure I officially work here now. You’re lucky it’s Sunday. Text me an address, okay?”