Page 57 of Shadows

“You like her. You know, from what you’ve seen so far, I mean?” I held up a hand as I convulsed with laughter again. “Sorry, they just keep coming to me.” He rolled his eyes and leaned against the porch railing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Okay, look, you and Abby have a lot in common, you know. You’re both independent people with no present attachments. She’s helped us out with some work now and then, and we’re going to ask Dad to consider her being vetted for Shadows. Sue just loves having her here. She’s amazing with Cole. Anyway, she’ll be around a lot the next few months. Just think about it, see if it’s something you might want to pursue. You could just let it happen naturally.”

“I’m not good at relationships.” He shrugged. “I live through my sister. They’re trying to have kids and all that. It’s fun for me, but I don’t see that kind of life for myself.”

“So, just get to know her and go from there.”

“Yeah, perhaps.”

“It’s not like you guys got to second base or anything. Oh, wait, you did.” I was having way too much fun.

“It wasn’t second base. There wasn’t any touching,” he corrected me.

“But you did get a good look.”

“Goodnight, Dan.”

“Night, Doc. Sweet dreams.” I chuckled as I walked inside.

“I see Cole is refusing to eat again.” Abigail strolled into the kitchen and admired the amazing mess of peas, mashed potatoes, and carrots that was all over the highchair and down the side of the counter.

“Nope, still refuses.” I wet the sponge. “I think I’m losing my negotiation skills.”

“He just knows if he holds out, you’ll give in and give him the good stuff.” She smiled then started to fill the dishwasher.

“Leave that, Abby. You’ve had a long trip. I’m sure you’re tired.”

“It feels good to help, I need to move, anyway, after all that sitting.” She kept cleaning while I scrubbed up the little monster’s mess in spite of the fact that I knew tomorrow he’d happily do it all over again.

“Come on, you little bugger. Let’s get you off to bed.” I unstuck his hands and jimmied him out of the highchair. I saw he had stashed more food in the top edge of his diaper. “On second thought, a good old-fashioned hosing might be in need.” I tossed him over my shoulder and headed down the hall. “Night, Abby.”

“Night, boys.”

The next morning, we woke to Abigail’s special brew. The heavenly scent of that coffee wafted down the hall and throughout the house. Once I was showered and dressed, I met Sue in the hall. She plopped Cole in my arms, said he was already fed, then gave me a kiss as she whisked off to have her own shower.

I put him down in the living room and watched him pull himself up against the table. His gummy ring hung from his mouth as he went from the table to a chair without a spill. He smiled around the ring as he looked at me, very pleased that he was able to move about independently. Cole was a baby who could do it all himself, and I could only imagine what he’d be like later on in life.

“Havin’ a good morning, aren’t ya, my little private?” I scooped him up and kissed his soft cheeks, making him laugh. “We have a big day today, don’t we?” I noticed his orange sweatpants and cringed. I listened for the sound of Sue in the shower, then I raced us off to his room and dug around his dresser until I found his dark green cargo pants. I’d just picked them up the other day, but Sue had yet to put them on him.

“These,” I held them up to show him, “are much better than the yucky sweatpants Mom insists you wear for comfort. Cargo is fine until we get you fatigues.” I shimmied on the new pants and tossed the sweats in the laundry.

I heard the water turn off and hurried down the hall toward the stairs.

Not long later, after a couple cups of Abby’s great coffee and a full breakfast of bacon and eggs, I was set for the day.

“Are you ready?” Sue called as she came into the kitchen wearing a pair of navy bell-bottomed pants paired with a crisp navy woven striped top and platform sandals. I loved how she dressed even if I didn’t like the way she dressed our son.

“Yes, we are now.” I smiled as I held up Cole. She shook her head at his new outfit. “What? He’s an Army baby. He needs to dress the part,” I reasoned.

“Fine,” she sighed, and we prepared to leave. “Are you good here, Abby? We should be back by dinner.”

“I’ll be just fine. I’ll just be here reliving yesterday’s events with your doctor pal.” She grinned.

“It was rather entertaining. So, Abby,” I could hear Sue’s wheels turning, “the doctor isn’t hard on the eyes.”

“No, he’s not, and now he’s seen my V, I think we can safely say when he visits it should be that much more interesting.”

I laughed, loving that she never took life too seriously. Abby was always professional, held herself with grace and integrity, but once she was comfortable with you, and in the right setting, she was a riot to be around.

“Well, at least it was the doc and not someone else like Zack or Frank,” I noted, because we both knew she’d never live it down if it was one of them.