Page 76 of Shadows

This place was a madhouse.

“I made cookies.” Savannah barely had the words out as Mark and Keith came racing toward her. Liam and Ethan came up behind them, but Mark turned and grabbed the boys and twisted bungee cords around them to hook them tightly together.

“Mark!” Savannah took pity on the boys, but they just laughed and screamed for help as they toppled to the floor. Butters moved in and took his time to lick their grubby faces and made them laugh and shriek even harder.

“All mine,” Mark growled in a Cookie Monster voice as he shoved two in his mouth and started to chew, bragging to his boys. His gaze shot over to me as he spat the cookie out. “What the hell! Oh, my God, my tongue’s on fire.”

Keith quickly dropped his on the counter and backed away.

“What kind of monster puts jalapeños in a chocolate cookie?” Mark used his sleeve to dry his eyes and took a step toward her. “You know I have a sensitive tongue.”

“That’s what she—” He quickly cut her off with growl, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“And now you steal my go-to line.” He tossed the crumbled cookie dramatically on the table. “I’ll give you a three-second head start, because I’m coming for you, Mrs. Logan, and no one,” Savi jumped over the kids and bolted toward the stairs, “no one’s gonna save you!” he yelled after her.

“Dad! Untie us!” Liam shouted.

“There’s no time, boys!” Mark was gone in a flash, so Keith grabbed a box ofsafecookies and took a seat near them and propped up his feet on the tangled twins.

“Uncle Keith!”

“Shhh, you’re fine.” He grinned and ate another cookie. “This is fun for all of us.”

Cole came in from the deck, and I waved to warn him.

“You might want to run far away, son.” I chuckled.

“Oh, no, why?”

“To sum it up, your daughter is wearing Cat’s bra, toads taste like chicken, Savi is being hunted by Mark, and my final advice to you is don’t eat the cookies.”

“Uncle Cole, help!” Ethan shrieked.

“Oh, and Uncle Keith is babysitting.” I added with a grin.

“Gotcha.” He laughed, but it soon faded as Cole’s expression changed. I followed his gaze and looked around at the door.

“Excuse me?” Dr. Roberts stood rigidly by the end of the couch. Everything about his body language shouted something was wrong. “Might I have a word with you two?”

“Of course. Have a seat, Doc.” Cole removed his gloves and coat and tossed them on the back of a chair, and I immediately moved my chair closer.

“I won’t lick the toad!” Liam screamed, and I closed my eyes for a moment.

“I’d,” he looked around, “prefer if we could talk in my office.”

Cole immediately stood.

“Of course.” I pushed to my feet. “It’ll certainly be much quieter there. Is everything all right?”

“I could use a little advice.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?” I joked and tried to recall if there was ever a time Doc asked us for our advice.

“Normally, yes,” Doc gave a weak smile, “but I think I might need your help on this one.” He looked at Cole. “This is a little out of my comfort zone.”

“Well, let’s not waste any more time.” Cole motioned for us to follow him down the hall to Doc’s office.

Just as I closed the door, I saw Mark run by, holding a paintball gun.