Page 61 of Shadows

“Maybe,” Cole looked around the table, “you could pack me an extra lunch tomorrow, Abby? You know, just in case I run into him.”

She looked at him with a smile then at Sue and Daniel as if to see if they agreed with Cole’s idea.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea.” She patted his hand, and then we all weighed in and gave our opinions on how we could find out more about him and his situation.

It was obvious that the young boy had left a lasting impression on our Abigail, and I respected her for it. Her friendship with Sue may have brought her here, but it was her love for Cole that kept her here. None of us could imagine life without Abigail, especially my grandson.

“Drop by after school tomorrow, Cole. I’ll make up a big batch of cookies,” Meg piped in.

“I’m glad I went to the market this morning.” Sue finished off the last of her shortcake and dabbed her mouth. “I bought some stew beef. Cole, would you like me to make a nice thick stew? I could fix container for you and Mark for lunch tomorrow. It’ll stick to your bones better than your usual peanut butter and jam sandwich. Maybe even add a slice of apple pie.”

His face lit up, and I smiled at Sue. She was smart, using this new kid as a way to get Cole to eat his vegetables.

“Yeah, let’s do that, Mom.”

* * *

Mark would show up off and on after that day, sometimes on his own, but usually with Cole. We had all done our bit to try to find out more about the boy. We kept our distance from his life with his mother and brother out of respect for Mark, but I knew Abby and Cole kept an eye on him. Soon he became a regular at Daniel and Sue’s, as he and Cole became firm friends, and one was rarely seen without the other. We began to get to know him, and his amazing appetite and humor soon earned him a spot in all our hearts. I wasn’t sure who baked the most treats for the boys, Abigail, Sue, or Meg. Nothing made me happier then when I’d hear the boys chatting it up in our kitchen with Meg while they filled their pockets with her cookies, then the slap of the screen door as they bounded outside to the barn or across the field.

Sometime later, we got a troubling call, but one that would change our family for the better.

“Are you sure?” Meg covered her mouth as Daniel shared the news that the police had just shared with him. I moved closer to the phone, and Meg held it between us.

“Sadly, yes, it’s true. His mother’s body was found today, and it seems his brother has skipped town.”

“Any sign of Mark?” I beat Meg to the question.

“No, he’s not there. The neighbors haven’t seen him either, not that most of them care in the slightest. If they did, I’m sure they’d have helped him well before this.”

“Oh, Daniel, Cole just got here. Let me speak to him and see what he knows. Hang on.” Meg handed me the phone. I could hear the police in the background and wondered what the scene was like where Daniel was.

“Grandma, I left myI Survivedbook here the other day. Have you seen it?” Cole dropped his bag on the counter and looked at the two of us as he took in the vibe.

“Sweetheart, was Mark at school today?”

“No, he wasn’t. I looked for him but…” Cole looked worried. “Why, Grandma?” His chair scraped as he lowered onto it.

“Sadly, Mark’s mother was found dead today, dear.”

“What?” His voice was instantly upset, and his gaze flashed to me. “What happened? Where is he?”

“We don’t know yet. Just a second, son, I have your father on the phone.”

“Dad, Mom, are you still there?”

“We’re here,” Meg and I answered together.

“He didn’t know anything about it, and Mark wasn’t at school today.” Meg tried to stay calm.

“Okay, I’ll hop in the truck and check around town.” I looked at Meg, and she nodded.

“All right. And I’ll take Cole, and we’ll check all the places the boys hang out.”

“Mom, will you wait at home in case he goes there?”

“Of course!” She sounded so worried, I drew her to me as I hung up. The poor kid must be beside himself. Cole bolted for the door ahead of me.

A few days later, I was in Daniel and Sue’s kitchen discussing where else we could possibly look for the boy when Cole showed up with an exhausted Mark trailing behind him. We were all instantly relieved to see he was okay. No one jumped up to rush to him right away, as we didn’t want to overwhelm him.