Page 56 of Shadows

“I’m so glad you like it. Hi, Daniel. How’ve you been?”

“Great, thanks.” I poured her a glass of lemonade and handed it to her with a happy smile. I was really glad she was back. It was perfect because I hated to leave Sue and Cole alone here when I left on a mission, and I knew it could be any day now. Having Abby here for the next few months just felt right.

“Now, where is my little soldier?” Abigail made a beeline toward Cole, who kicked his legs and squealed with delight. “There’s my handsome boy.” She kissed his head, and I smiled at how much love they had for one another. “Well, I need to get freshened up. There was a man who thought eating spaghetti on an airplane was a wise idea.” She made a face and pointed at a stain on her dress. “Please excuse me.” She ran up the stairs to get cleaned up.

I smiled at Sue, who had visibly relaxed now that her beloved friend had accepted our invitation to stay. I thought there was a small part of her that believed June would convince her to stay in New York and they’d deal with everything from there. June’s job didn’t allow her to travel as much as Abby could.

“Glad to have her back, aren’t you?” I gave her a hug.

“I sure am. I hope she’ll stay awhile.” She sighed. “Would you mind taking her bags to her room, Dan?” Sue handed Cole a toy while she started to set the table for dinner.

“That, I can do.” I scooped her bags and headed up the stairs and down the hall when I suddenly heard a yelp. I raced into the bedroom but stopped short when I saw the reflection of Doc Roberts’ face in the mirror. His eyes were open wide as he stood in front of Abigail, whose towel had fallen to the floor. Thankfully, I couldn’t see anything, but the doc sure could.

“I’m so…” he shook his head as he sputtered, “I’m so sorry, I…” He leaned down and grabbed the towel and held it up to shield her. “I had no idea anyone was occupying this room.” He turned his head away.

“It’s all right.” I could hear the humor in her voice. Abigail didn’t embarrass easily. It was something I found quite appealing about her. “No harm done.” She grinned at the doc’s obvious dismay.

I dropped Abigail’s bags on the floor and rushed to get out of there.Nothing better when life hands you pure gold on a silver platter.

We sat at the dinner table and waited for the doctor to join us. The look on Abigail’s face when he took his seat told me she was interested in him. His neck and face were flushed, and he downed about half his water. She licked her lips and gave him a grin as she sipped hers slowly.

Oh, this will be fun.

“Everything looks lovely, Sue,” he complimented my wife as he looked down at his plate.

“I hear you two have already met,” Sue tried hard not to smile, “but let me make a proper introduction. Doc Roberts, this is my good friend Abigail, who I hope to convince to move here someday. Abigail, this is our friend Dr. Roberts. He’s a psychologist and works in the same place as Daniel.”

Though Abby was a dear friend, she did not know about Shadows or what happened there. Although Dad had mentioned more than once over the years he’d known Abby that she would prove to be a real asset someday. She was such a whiz when it came to administrative work. That was the one area Sue really needed help with. Whenever Abigail was in Montana and had time, she worked with us on the side doing some strictly non-confidential tasks. It allowed her an opportunity to earn extra cash. Her neat, concise notes and carefully done expense forms complete with numbered receipts had come to Dad’s attention after Sue handed in the paperwork. Sue would always mention how invaluable Abigail’s help had been, and Dad was confident in Sue’s discretion when it came to Shadows. I had it in my mind that Dad wouldn’t hesitate to have her vetted for Shadows if we asked.

“Lovely to officially meet you, Abigail,” Doc Roberts gave her a quick smile and raised his eyes to hers for a split second.

And here we go…

“Breast?” I asked and watched as his eyes widened. I held up the dish to show what I was referring to. “Or are you more of a thigh guy?”

“Breast is fine.” He cleared his throat as I smiled and waited a beat as I saw Abigail press her napkin to her face to hide her smirk.

“Shoot,” I huffed, “I dropped my dressing.” It took everything in me not to break into laughter. “Doc, would you mind handing me a towel?”

Abigail stared hard at me as I graciously took the tea towel from Doc and refused eye contact, knowing I’d lose it right then and there.

I waited until after dinner for a chance to get in one last jab at the doc. Sue had put the tea tray on the table and placed her homemade brownies next to it.

“Would you like some dessert, Doctor?” she asked, and I went in for the kill.

“I think the doctor’s already had his dessert.” I beamed at his glare.

“Dan.” Sue shot me a look to behave.

“No, thank you, Sue I really should get going.” Doc was all flushed, and I gloried in his discomfort. “It was lovely meeting you, Abigail. Daniel, why don’t you walk me out?” he said through gritted teeth.

“Certainly.” I hopped to my feet then lost it in a fit of laughter as I closed the door behind us.

“You’re an ass.” He laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. “I can’t believe that happened.”

“Where I’m just so happy to have witnessed it.” I dried a tear. I could not have asked for a better evening. “At least it was Abby. She’s great.”

“She’s something.” He sighed.