Page 49 of Shadows

“Before you start,” Ray held up a hand, “and for my mental health, can you tell me if this is about the Cartels or not.”

“It’s not. This is about Daniel,” I reassured him with a smile and watched his shoulders sag with relief. “I won’t drag this out, mainly because I need to be on the road to town here shortly. I think it’s fair to say that Daniel is in a really good place.” Everyone nodded. “He’s gone over and above to make sure we have everything we could possibly need.”

“Question?” Zack held up a hand. “Is this about Sue and Daniel?”

“Ah.” I was caught off guard. “Yeah, it is, actually.”

“I can save you the time and let you know we get it and think she should move in here. We were talking the other night,” he pointed to Ray and Frank, “and if anyone deserves to have a wife move in, its him.”

“Yeah, she’s really good people, and I think she could bring a lot to the house.” Frank played with a pencil.

“I’m pleased you feel that way, but what about the rest of you?”

“I’m in no hurry to find someone.” Zack shrugged. “I want to do this and keep working toward getting my restaurant off the ground.”

“Ray?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m way too messed up to be getting involved with a woman.” His honesty showed on his face, and I was happy to hear it.


“Truth,” he looked around the room, “I don’t see myself being a lifer here. I have plans to someday work at military headquarters in Washington, but until that day comes when my knees are tired and my back is fried, I’ll be here chasing tail, but nothing serious.”

“What about Heather?” Zack piped in.

“She’s focused on her schooling.” He shrugged. “Time will tell, but if that day comes, I’ll be fine to step away.”

“Agreed, Edison,” Zack nodded, “if or when I find someone, I’ll be okay moving on. This is great for now, but we only have one set of joints, and I can feel mine already.” He laughed.

“I hear ya on that,” I laughed, “and I get it.” I rubbed my shoulder and thought about how much I hated it when it rained here.

“Daniel’s different.” Frank tossed the pencil back in the cup. “He’s a lifer. He should start his family here. Lord knows, poor Meg could use some female company.”

“All right, then.” I couldn’t contain my happiness. “You’re all good men.” I nodded at them then gave a wave, checked my watch, and headed upstairs for my keys. I had somewhere special to be.

With a lightness in my chest, I drove down the mountain road thinking about the changes that were to come. I parked in my normal spot and waved at a neighbor as they bumped passing by. Patty’s place was quiet, as the Sunday lunch rush was over. It made it easy to spot Sue where she sat in the corner of the restaurant nursing a glass of soda.

“Good morning, Ed.” She leaned in and gave me a hug. I loved that she treated me like family already. I always wondered what it would have been like if I’d had a daughter of my own. I guessed now I kind of did.

“Hey, thanks for agreeing to meet me.”

“Of course.” She smiled as she watched me remove my jacket and waited patiently while I gave my order to the waitress and took a moment to ask how her day was going. “I bet you’re wondering why I’m here.” I gave Sue my full attention.

“Is it something to do with Daniel’s birthday or the fact that he proposed so soon?” She smiled.

I chuckled and thought she wasn’t so far off the mark.

“One thing you should know about us Logans, we have a history of long, happy lives with our spouses.” I poured some sugar in my coffee and stirred it absently. “Also that it takes only one look for us to know.” I tapped my heart.

Her eyes widened as she fiddled with the diamond that used to sit on my mother’s finger.

“That’s incredibly romantic.”

“We do have a certain level of charm.” I winked and made her laugh.

“That you do. So, then, why are you here?”

“The fact that you said yes means that Daniel shared the details about his career with you and you accepted all that comes with that.”